Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pubis Shaving Percentage

On Monday 28 The Espinillo: They set Consultation Day for

Chaco Legislature launched the call for applications resolution will involve the participation of indigenous communities of the town, to get their opinions on the establishment of the municipality.

In order to comply with Resolution No. 3206 of the Chamber of Deputies, adopted at the last regular session of 2010, the Presidency of this power jointly with the Municipal Affairs Commission, decided to take up the issue of municipalization of the town.

This meeting had been previously set for 22, but due to agenda of the authorities of the Ministry Government is to set a new date for the day which provides the active participation of indigenous communities in the region.

For this reason, the owner of Chaco Parliament, Juan José Bergia, decided to realize a Consultation Day took place on February 28, from hour 10, which will be coordinated jointly by the Committee on Municipal and Ministry of Interior, Justice and Labor, to which were invited to attend the associations and communities to provide treatment as regards the creation of this county, such as the geographic boundaries of the ejido and the degree of participation will within that municipality and were invited to attend the Members of the area, the owners of the various political blocs of the Legislature and the Governor of Rio Villa Bermejito.

be recalled that the Executive vetoed the legislative sanction No. 6612 and which created the new municipality, recommending the inclusion of a new article that includes the incorporation of indigenous communities of the future municipality, taking into account "the percentage of participation according to their respective 2010 national census. The percentage is the result of the calculation of proportionality of Aboriginal community over the total population, "says the text of Order No. 585/10.

The text of Resolution No. 3206.
Resolution No. 3206/10, led by Vice President 2 º Martin Nieves and the accompanying President Juan José Bergia, Vice President 1, Oscar Raffin and his peers Innocence Charole, Miguel Avelino Milar, Egidio Garcia, Carim Peche and Ricardo Sanchez, decided to convene Consultation Chaco indigenous citizens in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Department Espinillo General Guemes, in the framework of Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization "in order to express the same opinion regarding the creation and delineation of a new municipality in that geographical region, likely to affect the property of land belonging to indigenous communities. "

In this regard, the Chair of the Legislature, the Municipal Affairs Committee in coordination with the Ministry of Interior of the province will be responsible for carrying out this consultation day will be made on Monday 28.

For this occasion, he invited members of the Association Meguesoxochi, the Institute of Aboriginal Chaco and organizations representing the sectors from the area, to assist in consensus and jointly with State authorities involved in this consultation .

The Executive Veto.
The legislative sanction No. 6612, was vetoed by the Chief Executive through Epediente Provincial N º 585/10, with the intention that this initiative was incorporated into an article that contemplate "such affirmative action as the effective participation of members Indian Community in the municipality of El Espinillo "This initiative builds on the consultation carried out to the community by the provincial government," said one of its paragraphs.

The letter also mentions that "the constitutional plexus of the rights of indigenous peoples or ethnic establishing a higher court in which the owners are the communities, tribes, ethnic groups," nations " or "indigenous peoples". "

"These ethnic rights - precisely - are special powers that go far beyond the traditional non-discrimination clause, and that from the historical violations suffered by our indigenous people have suffered and seek to achieve real equality for the recognition of the difference of each ethnic group with their cultural and material data. "

Later, the note signed by the Governor Capitanich, bases its order according to what the Constitution stipulates in its Articles 16 and 75 which recognizes the ethnic and cultural diversity of indigenous peoples of Argentina and guarantees respect for their identity and the right to bilingual and intercultural education, the legal status of their communities, and the possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy.



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