Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Get Picachu In Silver

Mandela Centre reports that health coverage remains poor in the west

El Centro de Estudios Nelson Mandela denunció que persisten los serios problemas en la cobertura sanitaria de los habitantes de El Impenetrable, en particular de las comunidades aborígenes de esa región por el relevamiento efectuado por estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), who worked for a week in that area.

The group was composed of thirty volunteers, including twenty-five were seniors in the medical career, with the support of five professionals in psychology, social work and audiovisual. Developed teaching activities and work of prevention and health promotion in the health region for the town of Frías Command and its surroundings.
The trip lasted from November 28 to December 4 last year, and emerged in the course of cultural health of the Faculty of Medicine of the UBA. The venture had the support of Unicef, Foundation and Valdocco Indian Health Directorate Ministry of Health of the Nation. Raw

balances Mandela Center says the group "made a detailed report on the oil and malfunction of the health system in El Impenetrable. They identified "a number of structural weaknesses in the operation, the capacity and the articulation of the health system, particularly in and around Cold Command, which was the specific area of \u200b\u200bmonitoring."
One observation was that health workers wichí, recently formed by the Ministry of Public Health, as volunteers, "lack of adequate preparation for work promotion and health prevention, as well as to provide health care first, with performance in a context where there are few means of transport for referral of patients to health centers in greater complexity. "
also indicated that rural landscapes around Frías Command "do not receive visits by health teams for months. The population has no access to health post that location, "citing as an example the place called La Nation," which has received no medical visit in a year. "
also noted that indigenous health workers and nurses "do not have mobility, nor with reference to derive professional or consult on clinical or administrative procedures. The scheme remains resolute, to the system. The lack of radio communication in the health posts is a critical point, "says the Mandela Centre, in a document signed by the coordinator Rolando Núñez. One doctor

"The presence of a single doctor in the health post Cold Command, in charge of outpatient care and hospitalization for the entire population, prevent health rounds are conducted in the six sites that have health posts without doctors. This confirmed that no medical rounds were made in more places six months. The outlook is worse in times when the only doctor travels to resistance for over two days and the town and places are without health care because no program or no replacement is available, even taking into account the health center physician nearest is in Fort Hope, a distance of 76 kilometers from Cold Command, "the report said.
The NGO said that the university also found that there are problems of coordination and communication affecting health activities in the territory, and that caught the attention of volunteers the absence of dental care in the area as well as lack of education and provision of contraceptives and condoms to the population at the health post and health center, an issue which was ratified by health workers. As regards transport, it noted the lack of fuel for the ambulance.

No drugs
Another striking was the lack of drugs that are guaranteed by the state through Remediation Program, as well as to comply with immunization programs (EPI) and vector control for prevention of diseases such as Chagas disease and dengue.
The report also cited specific cases recorded, as a man Wichí parent in Command Frías, who told volunteers who do not attend the village health post "due to ill-treatment of or indifference from the staff. Said first-served whites, Creoles, and then finally to the Wichí, and the doctor regularly is not on the job. "
In the neighborhood home visit wichí Crescent, Command Frias, volunteers interviewed Noel, 16, who was admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of tuberculosis Castelli. Received 18 days of treatment before being discharged without any follow-up by health staff, the health worker or referral for follow-up visit the health post. The volunteers recalled that the outpatient treatment of tuberculosis is at least six months, what should be understood that the patient would continue to open tuberculosis by incomplete treatment.
"In his visits to the homes of the inhabitants of Cold Command and talking to them, volunteers noted the high prevalence of chronic diseases such as hypertension and biliary problems, as well as the absence of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. Were detected also many incidents of diarrhea in infants related to their drinking water (pond water) and the unfavorable environment, "adds the report.



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