Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pistachio Trees Buying

therefore ask for the solidarity and sympathy of all of you to process request BEFORE THE CORPUS AVEAS Provincial Court


As is publicly known, local, national and international the Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples of Ecuador, we are facing persecution and criminalization of false accusations of prosecutors, judges, police and military pressure from the government of Rafael Correa, who strongly opposed it, by violating the rights enshrined in the Constitution of Ecuador and international standards, and social actions are warranted by these rules so there is no sabotage or terrorism.

The government wants to silence our voice at all costs, and demand respect for our rights and the Pachamama for destruction and pollution caused by mining, oil, defense of freedom of expression, for a more just equitable education according to our cultural identity, community communication, ancestral health, water resources, and human right.

These rights can never be monopolized by the government and transnational corporations us as nations and peoples, social movements, teachers, workers, students, retirees, today, tomorrow and forever defend.

therefore call for the solidarity and sympathy of all of you to process request AVEAS CORPUS PROVINCIAL COURT OF JUSTICE, in the Division of Labor Third floor, located in the Prairie and Diego de Almagro close on Monday Flacso February 7, 2011 to 10am in the City of Quito. The requirement of the Freedom of Comrade Pepe acacha and 2 fellow detainees. The concentration is 9.00, in the park where the tree will travel to the event.

Quito, February 4, 2011


CONAIE COUNCIL _________________________________________________
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador CONAIE


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