Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mobil Tralers For Sell In Ont.

In vicinity of D'Elia Leon visited the housing of indigenous cooperative

The leader of the FTV, Luis D'Elia toured the cooperative enterprise to 5 kilometers from Leon where Aboriginal families build homes through the cooperative program of the national government and the Housing Institute

Under his visit to the province of Chaco, the social leader of the Land and Housing Federation (FTV) Luis D'Elia visited a cooperative venture to 5 km from the town of La Leon, where Aboriginal families are developing housing in solidarity through a cooperative which integrates FTV. This organization participates in one of the programs that implements the National Government through IPDUV.

The site is implemented by the United Workers Cooperative Work Ltd., which brings together members of the beneficiary families and members of the original peoples of the land owners.

was improvised at the site a forum for dialogue with the participation of Aboriginal leaders, social and political leaders of the Leon and Las Palmas, FTV leaders and the Frente Grande, which accompanied the leader

Aboriginal leaders were present and Juan Fleitas Simon Gorostiaga accompanied by a significant number of members of the community, Fabricio Bolatti deputy, Daniel Trabalon and Daniel San Cristobal del Frente Grande Juan Manuel Zacarias member of the Housing Institute and leader of the FTV, Ruben Pascolini President of the National Land Commission, Valeria Romero and Mariano Brahim of the United Workers Cooperative, Marcos Servin Elio Ferrau and the CTA regarding La Leon, neighbors The working Leonesa environmental issues and other members of the FTV from other provinces who accompanied the leader national.

D'Elia came to the venture at the same time they began to build the audiences of the first housing, a process that began 45 days ago and greatly excited, said "this is the sign of the importance of social organizations are the ones who guarantee that policies to reach those most in need, "also compared the Chaco actually where the communities are recognized and access to social programs and policies with the province of Formosa where social protest is repressed.

Then he developed an exchange of views and were transmitted to these various problems in the area, which also exposed referents of the CTA and neighbors who reported to The Leonese national director of environmental problems in the area, especially the consequences of the use of agrochemicals in transgenic rice production, delivering a document.


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