Friday, February 25, 2011

Trauma And The Twisted Bowel

Almirante Brown in the district released a National Indigenous Council

By Rocío Anabel
Magnani Members of some indigenous peoples in Glew met and agreed on the creation of a purporting to represent a sector of the communities in different provinces. Criticized government policy and rejected the "representation outsourced" the INAI.
Lomas de Zamora, February 24 (AUNO) .- After celebrating in Almirante Brown's first "Summit on indigenous political leaders, members communities from the country denounced the "handling" of the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INAI) on their claims and announced the creation of a National Indigenous Council (NIC), an organization that will conform to the federal level by representatives of communities and will work independently of government agencies.

"We're not completely disengaging the state, but also accept outsourced representation," he told the owner AUNO Indian Political Bureau of the province of Buenos Aires, Andrea Quevedo, who was one of the promoters and signatories of the initiative the meeting held last Thursday in the Fifth Italian in town of Glew.

The main objectives outlined in the charter of the CNI, are to ensure "direct representation of indigenous peoples" in Argentina and form "policy proposals in partnership with the State."

"The INC is not be a party, is a decision of the people taking the direction of the dialogue with the National Government," he told the agency one of the organizers who had the summit Luis Baez, a member of Mocoví Village Santa Fe and candidate for deputy provincial of that province for Civic and Social Progressive Front, the governor Hermes Binner.

Another function that has the National Indigenous Council is, according to Baez, "to ensure the sovereignty of peoples over earmarks international entities for some communities, as Quevedo added, are" handled administratively by the national government. "

"The INAI manages funds that should be delivered directly to the people because then the budget does not reach the communities," denounced the leader of Buenos Aires.

Today, the Indigenous Participation Council (ICC), which depends on the INAI is the forum for consultation and indigenous participation in shaping public policy.

For Baez, who is also CEO of ICC in Santa Fe, "The institute (by INAI) never represented the indigenous peoples, fingering our elections, the Government did not hear our demands."

addition, the leader said to be getting the INAI obstacles to the Land Survey Act of indigenous peoples, for which the Legislature had already approved a budget of "35 million dollars."

The CNI charter was endorsed by the Bureau of Indian National Policy (a space where communities come together no more critical), tables of Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Chaco, Jujuy, Salta and Formosa, the Union of Indigenous Peoples and the Council Native of Buenos Aires.

conjunction with the formation of this entity, at the meeting of February 17 participants stated the "Independence of the Indigenous Peoples Policy," which does not mean, as said Quevedo, who attempt to "reclaim the power of the state" but be recognized as "pre-existing people," as does the national Constitution and international law.

"We can not turn a blind eye when we are kids starving in Salta, when our people were left without land, when they kill a fellow, when repressing our brothers, as happened in Formosa with the Qom people," said Báez.

Therefore, he added: "We have a responsibility to seek an alternative to the INAI, because we exhaust all instances with the agency. The nuclear CNI all communities to discuss indigenous issues and policies." RAM-AAFD


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mobil Tralers For Sell In Ont.

In vicinity of D'Elia Leon visited the housing of indigenous cooperative

The leader of the FTV, Luis D'Elia toured the cooperative enterprise to 5 kilometers from Leon where Aboriginal families build homes through the cooperative program of the national government and the Housing Institute

Under his visit to the province of Chaco, the social leader of the Land and Housing Federation (FTV) Luis D'Elia visited a cooperative venture to 5 km from the town of La Leon, where Aboriginal families are developing housing in solidarity through a cooperative which integrates FTV. This organization participates in one of the programs that implements the National Government through IPDUV.

The site is implemented by the United Workers Cooperative Work Ltd., which brings together members of the beneficiary families and members of the original peoples of the land owners.

was improvised at the site a forum for dialogue with the participation of Aboriginal leaders, social and political leaders of the Leon and Las Palmas, FTV leaders and the Frente Grande, which accompanied the leader

Aboriginal leaders were present and Juan Fleitas Simon Gorostiaga accompanied by a significant number of members of the community, Fabricio Bolatti deputy, Daniel Trabalon and Daniel San Cristobal del Frente Grande Juan Manuel Zacarias member of the Housing Institute and leader of the FTV, Ruben Pascolini President of the National Land Commission, Valeria Romero and Mariano Brahim of the United Workers Cooperative, Marcos Servin Elio Ferrau and the CTA regarding La Leon, neighbors The working Leonesa environmental issues and other members of the FTV from other provinces who accompanied the leader national.

D'Elia came to the venture at the same time they began to build the audiences of the first housing, a process that began 45 days ago and greatly excited, said "this is the sign of the importance of social organizations are the ones who guarantee that policies to reach those most in need, "also compared the Chaco actually where the communities are recognized and access to social programs and policies with the province of Formosa where social protest is repressed.

Then he developed an exchange of views and were transmitted to these various problems in the area, which also exposed referents of the CTA and neighbors who reported to The Leonese national director of environmental problems in the area, especially the consequences of the use of agrochemicals in transgenic rice production, delivering a document.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome To Church With A Difference


A group of citizens of Qom colony of La Primavera, unable to obtain them by their ID in the province, traveled to Buenos Aires and the intervention Ombudsman's Office managed these documents are now with your documents as is their being inhabitants of this country. The

qom ensure that these elections no one is going to take their brand new documents as they did in previous elections by a Peronist candidate. "Is not going to screw us, no one will get us out our documents and will vote in whoever we want, we do not get screwed over." He said with a grin a brother Qom.

A group of citizens of Qom colony of La Primavera, unable to obtain them by their ID in the province, traveled to Buenos Aires and the intervention of the Ombudsman's Office managed these documents are now with their documents as is their being inhabitants of this country. The

qom no claim that these elections les va a sacar sus flamantes documentos como ocurrió en anteriores elecciones por parte de algún candidato del justicialismo. “ya no nos van a joder más, nadie nos sacará nuestros documentos y votaremos a quien queramos, no nos joden más”. Decía con una amplia sonrisa un hermano qom.

Fuente: Redacción

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Get Picachu In Silver

Mandela Centre reports that health coverage remains poor in the west

El Centro de Estudios Nelson Mandela denunció que persisten los serios problemas en la cobertura sanitaria de los habitantes de El Impenetrable, en particular de las comunidades aborígenes de esa región por el relevamiento efectuado por estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), who worked for a week in that area.

The group was composed of thirty volunteers, including twenty-five were seniors in the medical career, with the support of five professionals in psychology, social work and audiovisual. Developed teaching activities and work of prevention and health promotion in the health region for the town of Frías Command and its surroundings.
The trip lasted from November 28 to December 4 last year, and emerged in the course of cultural health of the Faculty of Medicine of the UBA. The venture had the support of Unicef, Foundation and Valdocco Indian Health Directorate Ministry of Health of the Nation. Raw

balances Mandela Center says the group "made a detailed report on the oil and malfunction of the health system in El Impenetrable. They identified "a number of structural weaknesses in the operation, the capacity and the articulation of the health system, particularly in and around Cold Command, which was the specific area of \u200b\u200bmonitoring."
One observation was that health workers wichí, recently formed by the Ministry of Public Health, as volunteers, "lack of adequate preparation for work promotion and health prevention, as well as to provide health care first, with performance in a context where there are few means of transport for referral of patients to health centers in greater complexity. "
also indicated that rural landscapes around Frías Command "do not receive visits by health teams for months. The population has no access to health post that location, "citing as an example the place called La Nation," which has received no medical visit in a year. "
also noted that indigenous health workers and nurses "do not have mobility, nor with reference to derive professional or consult on clinical or administrative procedures. The scheme remains resolute, to the system. The lack of radio communication in the health posts is a critical point, "says the Mandela Centre, in a document signed by the coordinator Rolando Núñez. One doctor

"The presence of a single doctor in the health post Cold Command, in charge of outpatient care and hospitalization for the entire population, prevent health rounds are conducted in the six sites that have health posts without doctors. This confirmed that no medical rounds were made in more places six months. The outlook is worse in times when the only doctor travels to resistance for over two days and the town and places are without health care because no program or no replacement is available, even taking into account the health center physician nearest is in Fort Hope, a distance of 76 kilometers from Cold Command, "the report said.
The NGO said that the university also found that there are problems of coordination and communication affecting health activities in the territory, and that caught the attention of volunteers the absence of dental care in the area as well as lack of education and provision of contraceptives and condoms to the population at the health post and health center, an issue which was ratified by health workers. As regards transport, it noted the lack of fuel for the ambulance.

No drugs
Another striking was the lack of drugs that are guaranteed by the state through Remediation Program, as well as to comply with immunization programs (EPI) and vector control for prevention of diseases such as Chagas disease and dengue.
The report also cited specific cases recorded, as a man Wichí parent in Command Frías, who told volunteers who do not attend the village health post "due to ill-treatment of or indifference from the staff. Said first-served whites, Creoles, and then finally to the Wichí, and the doctor regularly is not on the job. "
In the neighborhood home visit wichí Crescent, Command Frias, volunteers interviewed Noel, 16, who was admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of tuberculosis Castelli. Received 18 days of treatment before being discharged without any follow-up by health staff, the health worker or referral for follow-up visit the health post. The volunteers recalled that the outpatient treatment of tuberculosis is at least six months, what should be understood that the patient would continue to open tuberculosis by incomplete treatment.
"In his visits to the homes of the inhabitants of Cold Command and talking to them, volunteers noted the high prevalence of chronic diseases such as hypertension and biliary problems, as well as the absence of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. Were detected also many incidents of diarrhea in infants related to their drinking water (pond water) and the unfavorable environment, "adds the report.

Pubis Shaving Percentage

On Monday 28 The Espinillo: They set Consultation Day for

Chaco Legislature launched the call for applications resolution will involve the participation of indigenous communities of the town, to get their opinions on the establishment of the municipality.

In order to comply with Resolution No. 3206 of the Chamber of Deputies, adopted at the last regular session of 2010, the Presidency of this power jointly with the Municipal Affairs Commission, decided to take up the issue of municipalization of the town.

This meeting had been previously set for 22, but due to agenda of the authorities of the Ministry Government is to set a new date for the day which provides the active participation of indigenous communities in the region.

For this reason, the owner of Chaco Parliament, Juan José Bergia, decided to realize a Consultation Day took place on February 28, from hour 10, which will be coordinated jointly by the Committee on Municipal and Ministry of Interior, Justice and Labor, to which were invited to attend the associations and communities to provide treatment as regards the creation of this county, such as the geographic boundaries of the ejido and the degree of participation will within that municipality and were invited to attend the Members of the area, the owners of the various political blocs of the Legislature and the Governor of Rio Villa Bermejito.

be recalled that the Executive vetoed the legislative sanction No. 6612 and which created the new municipality, recommending the inclusion of a new article that includes the incorporation of indigenous communities of the future municipality, taking into account "the percentage of participation according to their respective 2010 national census. The percentage is the result of the calculation of proportionality of Aboriginal community over the total population, "says the text of Order No. 585/10.

The text of Resolution No. 3206.
Resolution No. 3206/10, led by Vice President 2 º Martin Nieves and the accompanying President Juan José Bergia, Vice President 1, Oscar Raffin and his peers Innocence Charole, Miguel Avelino Milar, Egidio Garcia, Carim Peche and Ricardo Sanchez, decided to convene Consultation Chaco indigenous citizens in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Department Espinillo General Guemes, in the framework of Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization "in order to express the same opinion regarding the creation and delineation of a new municipality in that geographical region, likely to affect the property of land belonging to indigenous communities. "

In this regard, the Chair of the Legislature, the Municipal Affairs Committee in coordination with the Ministry of Interior of the province will be responsible for carrying out this consultation day will be made on Monday 28.

For this occasion, he invited members of the Association Meguesoxochi, the Institute of Aboriginal Chaco and organizations representing the sectors from the area, to assist in consensus and jointly with State authorities involved in this consultation .

The Executive Veto.
The legislative sanction No. 6612, was vetoed by the Chief Executive through Epediente Provincial N º 585/10, with the intention that this initiative was incorporated into an article that contemplate "such affirmative action as the effective participation of members Indian Community in the municipality of El Espinillo "This initiative builds on the consultation carried out to the community by the provincial government," said one of its paragraphs.

The letter also mentions that "the constitutional plexus of the rights of indigenous peoples or ethnic establishing a higher court in which the owners are the communities, tribes, ethnic groups," nations " or "indigenous peoples". "

"These ethnic rights - precisely - are special powers that go far beyond the traditional non-discrimination clause, and that from the historical violations suffered by our indigenous people have suffered and seek to achieve real equality for the recognition of the difference of each ethnic group with their cultural and material data. "

Later, the note signed by the Governor Capitanich, bases its order according to what the Constitution stipulates in its Articles 16 and 75 which recognizes the ethnic and cultural diversity of indigenous peoples of Argentina and guarantees respect for their identity and the right to bilingual and intercultural education, the legal status of their communities, and the possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Washer Drains To Outside

The creation of the municipality appointed a new director for the Centre for Aboriginal Health

The Ministry of Health appointed Julio González, Qom ethnic physician in charge of management of the health facility. "This administration promotes a true integration and equality in health care, and the new designation is another example of it," said the director of the Health Region V, Jorge Miño Belzor.

Under the premise of equality and inclusion health, the Ministry of Health appointed Dr. Julio Gonzalez Aboriginal by the direction of the Health Center of El Espinillo. This was reported responsible for the Health Region V "El Impenetrable" Belzor Jorge Miño, who emphasized the importance of the initiative for the aboriginal population of the municipality which represents 50 percent of the total.

"This ministry promotes a true integration of ethnic groups, ensuring equality in health care, and the appointment of Gonzalez next to other Aboriginal leaders is further evidence of that," said Mino. He reported that the previous director of the health center will be transferred to hospital Castelli in order to optimize care in the great hospital of the Bicentennial.

Julio Gonzalez, who was working in the medical center of Miraflores, are ethnic Qom and received training in leading Cuban institution. Because of his background and work experience in the field of health, health authorities considered suitable appointment at the head of the health center Espinillo.

On the other hand, highlighted the performance Miño health post which covers the demand for a significant population. "The health center works very well and we hope that the new authority continues improving equality and inclusion service health "he said.

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Espinillo Analyzes The continuity in the governing Egidio Garcia: "I am an activist of Capitanich, but respond to basics" Millionaire sued

The provincial legislature, almost ambivalent, said "Capitanich lost a friend." While acknowledging that his political future is being discussed between the three communities who define their continuity in the face Chaco It
The Journal of the Region states that the legislature, by block-man 'Justicialista Indigenous People', said currently not interested in Chaco Front departure deserves more, but his main concern is to generate a state policy for people Ios originating.

Then the fact that it involved drug trafficking - the December 28 aboard his truck ofial were seized ten kilos of marijuana transported in a bag belonging to a resident of Las Palmas - the legislator said that the Aboriginal bases analyzed other basic needs for people, rather than your dog the ruling party alliance. Egidio

Garcia expressed his views on continuity in the face Chaco is worth more when they met more than a month after the unfortunate fact that it had the police involved, because the vehicle was driven by his hijp, Eleazar Garcia, which was detained for some weeks.
"Capitanich lost a friend, "returned to ratify the legislature in allusion to the Gobernador, but his political future is being discussed between the three communities who will be responsible for defining its continuity in the face.

" Now I'm in Las Palmas met with the communities here, "forward, but said the issue that most concerns is another." If I go or stay, is relegated to fourth place, which indigenous peoples are concerned, as I substantiate in the round talks started, is the need for the existence of state policies for the sector, "he said. He announced that occurred after the fact" woke revolution Indian Pacific, "which" will fight against the man, in search of housing and community improvements. "Continuity

By Egidio García statements expressed in this medium, it appears that the legislature will continue in Chaco front deserves more, although not coincide with some members, who heads a timely manner with management, Jorge Capitanich. "It's over, you are and not only they did it to me but to all people," but said that "from now" fight "harder" for their rights.
then recalled: "I'm militant Capitanich but respond to the scene", which will decide their future favors. But said "I am not left or right, I work with this administration but above all I am Aboriginal and I look out for them no matter who I'm grouped, however left the door open to speculation Ia:" If the Government does not govern for indigenous class, we go to another sector. "

While the so-called "indigenous peaceful revolution" in pursuit of the creation of national policies for the sector is underway, the passing scene "is not the best" for communities. "Today there are no Aboriginal politicians, there is a bad performance," he said, claiming that "the people in power treat us like dogs, as citizens fourth and that's not going to allow the pair fought for freedom of peoples ".
continued that" want to divide us "and said that what happened with the van carrying drugs" was too ", but stressed that" it is over But the fight is taking shape, without arms, with peace as a guide.

(Source: The Journal of the Region)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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the National Government in 2012, ruling in the case dictate the Slaughter of Napalpí

This is considered the legal representative of the Community Association La Matanza, Carlos Diaz. He said that is about to present a study on the sociological impact on the communities left massacre 87 years ago.

The year 2012 could be where it begins to redress historical Napalpí Aboriginal communities. It is estimated that as counsel for the Community Association La Matanza, Carlos Diaz, who had million-dollar lawsuit against the State for the slaughter that occurred in that town in 1924 could have court ruling next year. On the other hand, said that shortly submit a sociological study to determine the impact on communities that stopped killing.

"We believe the end of 2011 to end the probationary period, in 2012 will surely be in the case for sentencing at first instance and then either of the two parties-the State We-can national or appeal to the Federal Chamber, "Diaz said in a statement to RADIO CITY. He added that the case could "not only to the Supreme Court until the Inter-American Court of Human Rights."

The lawyer also said they are close to finalizing a sociological study that analyzes the current of the communities living near areas Napalpí and how this affected their culture, a task that is made to be a crime against humanity. "Is pending, and I guess that will be presented in late February, the sociological study concerning what was the impact that native peoples suffered Toba Moqoit Mocoví Qom and, following the Slaughter "said Diaz.

"The study is important because all crimes are considered crimes against humanity are continuing. This means that the effects of them not only occur in the instant moment of doing it for generations is creating the same sociological and psychological effects on the community that has suffered such a horrific crime, "said the lawyer.

Thus, Diaz said the investigation is being led by a sociologist and psychologist in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of Nagua and Napalpí. "They are doing interviews with people not only old (although today there are no survivors), but also grandchildren and great grandchildren of those who suffered the killing, "he said. "I was in the area and is very powerful collective memory to be passed down from generation to generation and this has been a fundamental point and we had the great collaboration of all the indigenous people of these two ethnic groups who want to see justice done after more than 80 years, "he said. TESTING

Last week, Diaz appeared before the Federal Court of Resistance two historical books relating to the Slaughter of Napalpí as part of the evidence claim labeled a "Community Association La Matanza c/Estado Nacional -Poder Ejecutivo- s/daños y perjuicios, lucro cesante, daño emergente y daño moral, Expte Nº 1630/04". Entre los numerosos informes históricos presentados en esas dos obras (“Crímenes en Sangre”, de Pedro Solans y “Napalpí, la herida abierta” de Vidal Mario) figuran el texto completo de la interpelación parlamentaria al ministro del Interior, extraído del Diario de Sesiones de la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación del año 1924; el texto completo del expediente caratulado "Sublevación Indígena en la Reducción de Napalpí", Expte Nº 910 del 21 de agosto de 1924, Juzgado del Dr. Justo P. Faría.

Además A copy of the Northern Herald June 27, 1927, publishing a special issue dedicated to the slaughter that occurred three years ago; Melitona testimony of Mrs. Henry, a survivor of the massacre, provided the writer Peter Solans (book Crimes blood) surviving witness to the same Aboriginal writer Juan Chico (Napalpí book, the memory of the blood), testimony of numerous descendants of survivors of the slaughter reproduced in that work of John Boy, among others.

Demand for the slaughter of Napalpí was filed in 2005 after the Supreme Court's Office issued its ruling on applicability of crimes against humanity. The legal claim, which together $ 116 million, continues the line of so-called "class actions" or joint trials also opened in other parts of the world to demand compensation for past events that hurt communities.

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played a priest to power 87 years Insfrán

is the father
Francisco Nazar, a reference opponent of Formosa. The support of the Toba and the Church, and his promise to fight drug trafficking. Its history.

Francisco Nazar's father begged the bishop and presented as a candidate for governor, having been elected by the Social Choice and People's Party (OSP) in the elections October. Compete against incumbent Gildo Insfran, which governs the province since 1995. OSP

The opposition was formed in the same assembly Nazar appointed as a candidate. It is an integrated front by members of the UCR, new political and social movements like Free South Clasista and Combative Current (CCC). In addition, left the door open to other sectors who want to integrate, newspaper Formosa commercial.

At 69 years, Nazar is not exactly a new face on Formosa. Since 1972, crosses the western provincial cities, and was always critical Insfrán management. In 2006, inspired by the father figure Joaquín Piña missionary, attempted to prevent the adoption of indefinite re-election, but failed. At that time also did not have the support of the local bishop, Monsignor Jose Vicente Conejero, to engage in politics.

In late 2010, local Peronist sectors want him responsible for the slaughter of Aborigines, with whom he has worked for years, accusing him of instigating the events that culminated with two tuffs killed by police. They even appear in Formosa graffiti reading "Nazar murderer." Now, the pastor of the church in the town of Laguna Yema (400 kilometers from the capital Formosa) is supported by the asked and curia and licensed to practice in politics.

"I accept responsibility and assume trust me with strength, determination and courage that challenge. Without hesitation and without fear. And I accept it because this is a construction that we will be done among all with militancy and commitment," declared the newly candidate in the assembly of the OSP. Nazar

promised to fight alcohol and drug consumption among young people and drug trafficking that "travels hundreds of miles of unprotected borders by land and sky" in clear reference to "narco-council" Kirchner who was caught with 701 kilograms of cocaine in his field of Las Lomitas.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Easy Grabber Drivrutin

Slaughter of Napalpí impunity, provided evidence of the massacre to justice

These are the books "Blood Crime," by Peter Solans and "Napalpí, the open wound" by Mario Vidal. Were delivered to the Federal Court of resistance in the context of an application for $ 116 million for indigenous communities

Attorney Carlos Alberto Diaz and writer Vidal Mario, the latter as a historical consultant appointed by the federal courts in the file captioned "Community Association La Matanza the National State-Executive-s / damages, lost profits, damages and moral damages Expte No. 1630-1604, filed with the Federal Court of resistance tests documentary of the slaughter of Napalpí, which occurred on July 19, 1924. This will open a new instance to demand $ 116 million to Aboriginal communities in Chaco filed in 2004 before the federal courts, as compensation history.

The delivery of the documents was made last Tuesday, the opening date for the judicial activities for the year. 87 years ago the "Napalpí Uprising" as it is officially called, had a tragic end to armed intervention by the governor sent Fernando Centeno. No matches

regarding the number of victims of slaughter. Some speak of two hundred dead, while others put the figure at eight. Advocates of this amount into account, in addition to those killed on the day of the killing, which then sweeps through the mountains made the repressive forces. The search for survivors continued for ninety days after the event "to leave no witnesses to the killing," according to a report sent to the national government Arribálzaga Henry Lynch, founder of Napalpí Reduction. Beyond

figures or numbers of victims, Mario Vidal Napalpí stresses in his book, the open wound that the slaughter was indeed existed and features tragic, as the evidence a federal judge Resistance deputy, Eduardo Valiente. TESTING

Among the many historical reports presented include the full text of the parliamentary question the Minister of the Interior, taken from the Daily Record of the Chamber of Deputies in 1924, the full text of the record entitled "Indian Uprising Reduction in Napalpí "Expte N º 910 of August 21, 1924, Dr. Justo P. Courthouse Faria, a copy of the Northern Herald June 27, 1927, publishing a special issue dedicated to the slaughter that occurred three years ago, testimony of Mrs. Melitona Henry, a survivor of the massacre, provided the writer Peter J. Solans (book Crimes in the blood), witness to the same survivor Aboriginal writer Juan Chico (Napalpí book, the memory of the blood), testimony of numerous descendants of survivors of the slaughter reproduced in that work of John Boy, among others.

Demand for the slaughter of Napalpí was filed in 2004 after the Supreme Court's Office issued its ruling on applicability of crimes against humanity. The judicial complaint continues the line of so-called "class actions" or joint trials also opened in other parts of the world to demand compensation past events that hurt communities.

In Germany, there were trials for more than 5 billion dollars in reparations for the looting of the Jewish community and the use of slave labor in Nazi concentration camps. In Austria, for the same reasons, the claim came to $ 380 million. Another lawsuit, this time in the United States, calls for the use of labor of black slaves in the years 1619 to 1865.

Source: El Diario de Carlos Paz

Straight Benches Blueprints

The quarter ends in 60 days Toba their first 36 home

tuff community Juan José Paso and Traverse Avenue held a colorful rally yesterday with the progress of the works, with funding national, are being made in the neighborhood. Undersecretary of Public Works of the municipality, Susan Nader, confirmed that 60 days will be ready the first 36 units of 256 _de inicial_ stage and is almost completed the first multi-purpose room. Shared Dreams project is implemented through a system of self-help housing in a cooperative organization.

national contributions. In the district Toba Crossing and Juan José Paso and are 125 residents who became masons and workers from Mission Shared Dreams, a project of 500 houses in total over 100 million dollars funded by the Mothers of Plaza May, the Nation, the province, municipality and the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs.

Since 3 May, the swarm of men and women of the community is endless. From Juan José Paso 1900, which houses the workshop, and clad in blue overalls and safety features for the activity, a hundred neighbors charges about 1,300 pesos per fortnight for improving the neighborhood and build their own houses up to three bedrooms, with expanded polystyrene thermal panels.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pistachio Trees Buying

therefore ask for the solidarity and sympathy of all of you to process request BEFORE THE CORPUS AVEAS Provincial Court


As is publicly known, local, national and international the Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples of Ecuador, we are facing persecution and criminalization of false accusations of prosecutors, judges, police and military pressure from the government of Rafael Correa, who strongly opposed it, by violating the rights enshrined in the Constitution of Ecuador and international standards, and social actions are warranted by these rules so there is no sabotage or terrorism.

The government wants to silence our voice at all costs, and demand respect for our rights and the Pachamama for destruction and pollution caused by mining, oil, defense of freedom of expression, for a more just equitable education according to our cultural identity, community communication, ancestral health, water resources, and human right.

These rights can never be monopolized by the government and transnational corporations us as nations and peoples, social movements, teachers, workers, students, retirees, today, tomorrow and forever defend.

therefore call for the solidarity and sympathy of all of you to process request AVEAS CORPUS PROVINCIAL COURT OF JUSTICE, in the Division of Labor Third floor, located in the Prairie and Diego de Almagro close on Monday Flacso February 7, 2011 to 10am in the City of Quito. The requirement of the Freedom of Comrade Pepe acacha and 2 fellow detainees. The concentration is 9.00, in the park where the tree will travel to the event.

Quito, February 4, 2011


CONAIE COUNCIL _________________________________________________
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador CONAIE

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can Starting Exercise Affect Your Period

Formosa: repression in the community of La Primavera "Valiente can not play with transparency and neutrality"

Mandela said at the Center. The NGOs questioned the Formosa judge for delay in the service of justice, and to remember their links with the dictatorship and its political ties with Insfrán. He also recalled his performance in the Chaco.

The Mandela Centre questioned the judge Federal No. 2 of Formosa, Eduardo Valiente delay in the administration of justice by not completing on time and several calls between highlighting the challenge that the community tuff Spring Formosa filed in against him in connection with the investigation into the murder of two police in the bloody suppression produced last year. They recalled the judge's ties with the dictatorship and its close relationship with the governor Gildo Insfran.

"It is indisputable that whatever happened (in enforcement) should be investigated in federal court, however, involved a judge of Clorinda, addicted and willing to Gildo Insfran regime, which led to the defender of the Indians, the lawyer Edward Davis, coordinator of the Mandela Centre of Formosa, appear before the Court 2 of the Federal province by its owner Agustin Eduardo Valiente, raising the corresponding process because of the spring in the federal courts for reasons of jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction, "the NGO alleged.

"The approach we made the defense was presented on December 29 last year. At the same time, the judge challenged for cause because the indigenous community Valiente was convinced and the legitimate fear of bias by the judge on behalf of Governor Insfran, throughout the course of this judge and his membership in the scheme of the current governor, who for many years engaged in the sum of public power, "said Mandela Centre. And the judge said that despite the urgency of the case, "did not handle any of the pose, significantly damaging the situation of indigenous community members, allowing it to continue the intervention of the provincial judge Garzón irregular."

"Product of the irregular actions of the judge Valiente, a defense of indigenous complaint was filed in the House Resistance of Appeals, arguing the delay of justice that took shape around the delay in processing in that the judge Valiente, "recalled the NGOs. "Within 24 hours the judge Eduardo Ariel Belforte not rise to the complaint made by rejecting the request for fair judicial empowerment made by the Indian defense, arguing that it was not proven unexpectedly urgency is needed to enable intervention the court in judicial recess periods. "

"In plain language, federal courts look the other way as a judge of Clorinda accommodates research according to the political interests of the government of Formosa. Meanwhile, the Toba community of La Primavera continued behind after the ferocious repression ordered by the government, through a repressive police and judicial power that manages to taste and pleasure, "he said.

"Through the complaint of denial of justice was brought to the attention of the Federal Court of Appeals Resistance delay incurred by the federal judge Eduardo Valiente by failing to resolve the request for deferral and reacusación for cause who stood by lack of impartiality and neutrality of the judge, stated that should be resolved within 48 hours of being submitted. Despite the defense's later writings, claiming that the judge resolved These claims, Valenti failed to give courses to the inhibitory and reacusación for cause, "he said. CURRICULUM

Mandela Centre recalled in this regard, the curriculum Valiente, who also serves as a federal judge in Resistance surrogate. "It is known that Judge Augustine Eduardo Valiente, a federal judge in addition to being No. 2 in Formosa, he serves as deputy judge in the federal court of resistance, for long and disturbing illness of its owner, Carlos Skidelsky. "So this officer is no stranger to the institutional reality of the Chaco," he recalled.

In this context, indicated that the province "Valiente became known in our province for having ordered the fierce repression unleashed against the poor rural population of Lot 16, on 13 September last year, which involved over 400 gendarmes and police of the Chaco, on the pretext of continuing Busway construction Nea / Noa, which closes the energy ring in Formosa. The judge became more famous because he ordered the release of Pablo Eloy Caceres, called "King of Cocaine" and six others that made his band, an organization that is entered a kilo of cocaine per week in the Chaco. "

The NGO also noted the judge's ties with the dictatorship. "Brave is an advisor of the infamous Colonel Lopez, repressor of Creoles and Indians after the aim of depriving them of their lands, who during the period of state terrorism served in the office of auditor at the Provincial Institute of Colonization and Land Tax the province of Formosa. "

"Valiente, after attending the said Colonel Lopez went on to serve in the Office of the State, subrogated reaching the post of head of the agency during the rule of General Juan Carlos Colombo, now sentenced to 25 years in prison for very serious human rights violations. At that time, the prosecution defended the interests of a terrorist state. Highlighted the particular policy of awarding huge tracts of public land, that were in few hands, "he said.

"After collaborating with the dictatorship during the self-styled National Reorganization Process, joined the cabinet of Dr. Floro Eleuterio Bogado, elected governor in 1983 as part of the government boasted of his intercourse with the bloody dictatorship led by Paraguayan Gen. Alfredo Stroessner. In February 1985, the Formosa government-supported and publicly claimed by the media-the Independence Operative, considering the genocide of the Tucuman as a triumph of the Fatherland, "he said. LINKS

In this context, the NGOs stressed the ties that bind the judge to Insfrán. "During the tenure of the current governor Gildo Insfran, was appointed federal judge by then-President Carlos Menem of Argentina, through a decree bus, which they got hundreds of candidates for judges of the federal courts, some of which continue be judges and prosecutors who preach respect for and observance of human rights, once Menem known, although in the present progressive converts. The appointment came two days before the cessation of the power of the executive branch to do this, depending maturities of the mandates of the directors at that time were members of the Council of the Magistracy, "he said.

"Valiente, despite his appointment as federal judge, favored his personal friendship and political commitment to the governor Insfran, ten years remaining in his cabinet, with ministerial rank, slowing the operation of the Federal Court 2, precipitating the collapse judicial immunity in this excess causes unattended, due to the impossibility of doing so by the single judge who served as federal judge in Formosa, "he recalled. "Moreover, carrying and its old designation as a federal judge, Dr. Valenti continued to fulfill his political duties as a trustee of the Peronist Party, District Formosa. Further to his oath he served as national congressional PJ, actively participating in its meetings as public knowledge is knowledge, "he said.

Finally, the Mandela Centre said that "with its complex and diverse history and public policy, Valiente was challenged by the Toba community of La Primavera, which legitimately is convinced that this judge is not independent and therefore can not play with transparency and neutrality in his political boss. So things in Formosa and justice Federal our region remains the lifting voices in our province to question the judge's performance Valiente, even those sectors that were extremely active in the field of human rights, which is not surprising despite some striking contradictions that recur in this space, "he said.