Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sonic Screwdriver Metat

Robert Pattinson stars as an immortal

" Twilight, "the highly anticipated film adaptation of the novel by Stephenie Meyer: a heartbreaking romance, fast-paced action and, quite possibly, a performance that become stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

Pattinson is a British 22-year-old, best known for playing Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (2005), while Stewart, who is American, is a Hollywood veteran at 18, with "Panic Room "(2002)," Catch That Kid "(2004) and" Into the Wild "(2007) among the 20 credits that already has to his credit.

Directed by Catherine Hardwicke and scheduled for release on 21 November, "Twilight" features Pattinson as Edward Cullen, a vampire 108 years of age who live among humans and that stopped growing at age 17. Stewart is Bella Swan, a mere mortal and high school student who wins the heart of Edward. Their relationship is fraught with danger, however, as some vampires want to see Bella and Edward dead, while he must resist his thirst for the blood of his young mistress.

Interviewed by telephone from Los Angeles, where he now lives, Pattinson says that at first could not decide what the best way to play Edward. However, his hearing with Stewart, who had been selected, he clarified things.

"When I read the book I thought it was reading and was a character much like Mr. Darcy," said Pattinson. "It seemed aimed at women. Then I did the screen test with Kristen and Catherine Hardwick and how Kristen played her character was no maid, but it had a strange energy.

"It was pretty intimidating," she admits, "because I had been thinking it would only have to sit and make grimaces, and that would be enough. So after meeting Kristen adapted my way of thinking about it.

" What interested me was the core of the story, "says Pattinson." If we remove all other items, all beautiful and the stereotype of being a vampire, I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving an absurd amount of conflict. It is a love story but a love story completely insoluble.

"And this was antes de que saliera el cuarto libro, en el que todo se resuelve," continúa. "Cuando estaba leyendo 'Twilight' pensaba que estaban esas dos personas, que se enamoraban una de otra, casi de primera vista, pero que en el fondo de su mente sabían que no podrían tener un buen final. Pero cada uno de ellos se niega a renunciar a su compromiso.

"Supongo que éste es su aspecto de 'Romeo y Julieta,"' explica el actor británico. "Al mismo tiempo, el mayor peligro, y lo que lo diferencia de 'Romeo y Julieta,' es el peligro directo de Edward hacia ella. Siempre me gustó la idea de que es él quien crea todo el peligro. No se trata de una influencia externa."

Pattinson, Stewart y el rest of the cast and crew of "Twilight" the movie filmed in Portland, Oregon, in the course of several months. The actor stifles a giggle, remembering the problems of lead vampire makeup, acting on trees and silly stunts.

"The makeup took centuries," says Pattinson, "because the basic problem with the story is that vampires can not seem too strange, they have to fit in with ordinary people. At the same time, there must be something supernatural in them because otherwise the story would not make sense. Besides being attractive, they need to be scary.

"Especially in my case, my makeup looked very natural," says. "Other people looked pale, but with me just used a gun with several shades of white and slightly darker shade to see me cut and drive. The makeup really was not very significant.

" Almost any stunts we did with the green screen, "continues Pattinson." There was a lot of work with cables. We work with the stunt coordinator of Jackie Chan. I'm not what you would call a stunt or a type of action movies - no school left the Jackie Chan action - so that was almost impossible.

"But I tried to do the best I could," he adds. "I went through so much training. Before I start work was completely out of shape, and really had to work hard not to die on stage. But it was interesting.

"There were many scenes that had to bear the cables at about 60 mph," Pattinson accurate. "It looked like it would be relatively easy to pretend I was running, but is one of the hardest things I've done in my life and never, ever want to do it again ... besides I'm contractually obliged to do (in the continuations of "Twilight"). "

The book series "Twilight" Meyer was an explosive phenomenon while still shooting the first adaptation Pattinson. And if that were not enough expectations raised "Twilight," his release date was changed to meet the ambitious weekend of November 21, vacated by "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."

Pattinson admits he was concerned that the tape does not meet expectations.

"When I got into this, I had some idea of \u200b\u200bwhat stage I was playing," he says, "but now, after having done it, I realize it's a much bigger stage than he had imagined. So I'm a little worried.

"The advertising campaigns are always a little scary," says Pattinson, "especially before something comes out. People expect too much. exaggerations terrify me. With any film that has too much advance publicity, I feel sorry for the actors, as they are in another league. "

Does advertising will rise in this case?

" A lot of people loved the book, "says Pattinson, "and I think the film is quite faithful to the book. Would you like at least just for that. "

If" Twilight "is successful, could make Pattinson - already completed the independent film" Little Ashes "and" How to Be, "yet to be shown - in a name known. That would surprise him, but so far, each step of his career has been unpredictable.

"I started acting by accident," reveals. "We never really thought about it when I was at school and was just lucky it started. I did some work and then I 'Harry Potter." That happened in the period in which I had to decide whether he would go to college. So life itself decided for me.

"But it was until quite recently when I realized how to review a script and how to get much satisfaction this, "continues Pattinson," it is a very lonely life when I'm working ... or when I'm not working. Now I'm in Los Angeles, all alone. All my friends live in London. So do my job and be able to fully commit to something else gives me life, while I have no other life than this.

"I really do not know what happened to me," says the actor. "I did 'Little Ashes' in which he plays Salvador Dalí. Speaking English all but me, the team and all. I basically read books about Dali every time and never talked to anyone. And I found that was one of the things more satisfying to have done in my life: just isolate myself from everything.

"was also the first time that, after finishing the job, could not remember how my life was before, which was a nice feeling in a felt quite strange. "

The future looks bright for Pattinson. Is ready to resume his role as Edward in "New Moon," the sequel to "Twilight," and will be in "Parts per Billion" with Rosario Dawson, Dennis Hopper and Olivia Thirlby. In short, if all goes as expected, Pattinson could end up as a star at the level of the stars of "Harry Potter" Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.

"Maybe it's because 'Twilight' is not out yet," he says, "but I think that Daniel, Emma and Rupert are much more important cultural icons ... I also think it is because they are very young and people have seen grow. I have 22 years and I think they see me only as an actor who makes movies, and I'm not too worried.

"But I talked to Daniel Radcliffe and seen how he handles things," says Pattinson, "and I see that you can not completely crazy. He has not changed at all in the four years I have met him. He always appears to be well grounded.

"That is a very good example to follow."


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