Sunday, November 23, 2008

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all started almost a year ago my mom told m "Choose your Christmas present" something hard and must confess I am very indesisa bn ps my first choice a HSM cute collection bag when I saw NCAT m, then I go to the books section and there was where my life started to change, take a book cover caught my attention m hands with a title block including the Twilight and then A DANGEROUS LOVE him and I turned back cover leei.
There are three things that I'm completely safe.
First Edward was a vampire.
Second, a part of him dies to drink my blood.
And third, I am totally and perdidamnt Namorado d it. Ps
m just those words caught the attention, so take it at first only to have to read something, sometimes I buy books and leave them in half because I do not catch the beginning dsd, dje cute bag of Christmas my HSM n Mom gave me the book never imagine a man would know qe qe m do not forget Harry Potter at all but if namora perdidamnt.

December 25 and it was beginning to devour qe qe to know I'm a bookworm I've at last from the beginning I loved Edward went from being a fictional character to my eternal love and my great obsession, for 31 and it was over, I go to the dark side is so turn me into a vampire's heart and literary Qeri my thirst, there could not finish in the dance I was thirsty for more Qeri January 1, I began to search the internet and saw qe had more books that would soothe my thirst sun for an instant read tnia qe and in Mexico was not yet so qe SCH in ares and surprise surprise I could download it in English I did not mind going blind to be attached to the computer for hours leeiendo not sleep, not eat anything but not to devour them read me again when the sasi so my thirst with New Moon which was causing much pain, so many tears and frustration I found the book boring din the presence of my beloved Edward and I could feel how he felt Bella Bella felt I missed him so anela aaah ! it sounds crazy but qe Edward conviertio in my world and when he finally returned to appear in the Histria saved me from madness every page qe pasava I fell in love even more and when I finished it was hysterical back again and download ECLIPSE sed on 6 January and it was leeiendo and ah could not believe that I still do not transform Qeri continue leeiendo but much remains to DAWN.

Holiday season and return to the sculpture qe reluctantly knew there was no Edward Cullen and zaz! ASILE one of my friends was sitting in our usual leeiendo vanqita Twilight and said "That book is great, I'm in love with Edward" to qe replied "Me too" and apart from her and I went there to blame for qe fever spread to our entire Suddenly group of friends were all in love with Edward but she and I were the official ladies Cullen ha ha ha ...

qe Then we learned the movie would come out and thirst but was less painful back by qe could see the pictures, news and videos about the shooting.

Time passed and the sun came out again in my life I literally dawn came and he he could not wait esque qe the book came out in English as translated with the help of my friend and my boyfriend lalo just so I could quench thirst.

And two days ago almost lost my heart so I hope the movie qe qe throughout the year has went IRLA I had planned to do with my friends on Friday but Miriam did not invite me to go to the preview and there are sitting together watching the powerful Twilight on a Thursday at 10:00 pm qe ns room was half empty so I play qe was a private event as it were all to "ah" "eh" and to say supiraban qe stole my tears, screams, sighs, and all my heart I returned to get the Twilight the most charming love story does not exceed the book for nothing but this beautiful and I vito 4 times and even more ha ha ha qiero thirst increases day by day and not hold as much as layers until I got my Edward Cullen ...

mom for giving me
Grai the best book of all qe e leeido clear after harry potter thanks for giving me the greatest love that anyone has seen before and thanks for you qe Meet the man most amazing of all, thanks for taking me to Edward Cullen. NICKY

BELLA CULLEN: I fell in love again

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Robert Pattinson 'Edward HAVE PROBLEMS "

"When you read the book says Pattinson, looking appropriately pallid and interesting even without makeup, "it's like," Edward Cullen is so beautiful that I get wet. "I mean, every line is. He is the most ridiculous it is amazing in everything he does. I a lot of actors tried to play that aspect. I could not. And as I read the script, more hate this guy, this is interpreted as a manic depressive who hates himself. In addition, he is a virgin of 108 years so OBVIOUSLY HAVE PROBLEMS.

Robert Pattinson for the magazine Entertainment Weekly.

interesting thing about this statement of our Sexy Spunk, is what the fans think about it?

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Seth talks about the film in "Not as good as the book." INTERVIEW WITH ROBERT

"As mentioned in the main page I had the incredible opportunity to attend the premiere of the movie Twilight in Los Angeles. Thanks to Stephenie for having me - it was really an experience, the kind that only happen once in a lifetime. The After-Party and the movie were fantastic. But I was not on the red carpet (if you try to sneak, security mentioned something about my "not good looking enough.") If you have not seen pictures of the red carpet, you can watch them on,, and you can read a good review of the night by Larry Carroll at MTV.

Although I am not a film critic, I feel compelled to tell everyone what he thought about the movie. The first question everyone seems to ask is "Is it as good as the book?" The answer is "no." But I can not think of a good book which they have made a film as good as the book. I think it would be impossible to reproduce in two hours the kind of experience that is reading Twilight. Did you enjoy the book fans of the movie? Absolutely. Do you hear between the "Twi-Hards", cries, laughs, squeals, giggles and fainting (not necessarily in that order)? Definitely - and order will probably be elected repeated several times. Perhaps a better question (especially for those of you who are afraid to take your boyfriend / husband) is: do people have not read the book will like the movie? I say "Yes." It is not uncommon for someone to feel like you do not have the time or care to read a book of 500 pages. However, the core of the story of Twilight has brilliantly preserved if the two hours it takes, and there is no reason to think that just because someone is not an avid reader, enjoyed the great story. Also, as in the book of Stephenie, there is a good amount of stock (enough to entertain even those who are "very manly" for a love story.)

In this case I must say that I really liked the movie. Not perfect, but it is extremely good. There are several things I want to tell everyone (especially about the amazing talents of various actors), but I will not give anything away. I want to be as pleasantly surprised as I am. I mean as I was quickly impressed with the actors off screen. I spoke briefly to several of the actors and I was surprised how their feet on the ground and how nice they were. For example (and I feel bad to mention only a few because they are all great and really seem to enjoy talking to their fans) Peter Facinelli (Carlisle), Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria), Ashley Greene (Alice), and Lawrence Taylor (Jacob) are some of the nicest people you could imagine. I feel great when good people find success. I know a lot of time and hard work was what it cost to make this movie, and in my opinion has really paid.

I hope you all enjoy the movie as much as me. I'll be excited to read your feedback and comments on forums, blogs and fansites. "

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Robert Pattinson stars as an immortal

" Twilight, "the highly anticipated film adaptation of the novel by Stephenie Meyer: a heartbreaking romance, fast-paced action and, quite possibly, a performance that become stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

Pattinson is a British 22-year-old, best known for playing Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (2005), while Stewart, who is American, is a Hollywood veteran at 18, with "Panic Room "(2002)," Catch That Kid "(2004) and" Into the Wild "(2007) among the 20 credits that already has to his credit.

Directed by Catherine Hardwicke and scheduled for release on 21 November, "Twilight" features Pattinson as Edward Cullen, a vampire 108 years of age who live among humans and that stopped growing at age 17. Stewart is Bella Swan, a mere mortal and high school student who wins the heart of Edward. Their relationship is fraught with danger, however, as some vampires want to see Bella and Edward dead, while he must resist his thirst for the blood of his young mistress.

Interviewed by telephone from Los Angeles, where he now lives, Pattinson says that at first could not decide what the best way to play Edward. However, his hearing with Stewart, who had been selected, he clarified things.

"When I read the book I thought it was reading and was a character much like Mr. Darcy," said Pattinson. "It seemed aimed at women. Then I did the screen test with Kristen and Catherine Hardwick and how Kristen played her character was no maid, but it had a strange energy.

"It was pretty intimidating," she admits, "because I had been thinking it would only have to sit and make grimaces, and that would be enough. So after meeting Kristen adapted my way of thinking about it.

" What interested me was the core of the story, "says Pattinson." If we remove all other items, all beautiful and the stereotype of being a vampire, I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving an absurd amount of conflict. It is a love story but a love story completely insoluble.

"And this was antes de que saliera el cuarto libro, en el que todo se resuelve," continúa. "Cuando estaba leyendo 'Twilight' pensaba que estaban esas dos personas, que se enamoraban una de otra, casi de primera vista, pero que en el fondo de su mente sabían que no podrían tener un buen final. Pero cada uno de ellos se niega a renunciar a su compromiso.

"Supongo que éste es su aspecto de 'Romeo y Julieta,"' explica el actor británico. "Al mismo tiempo, el mayor peligro, y lo que lo diferencia de 'Romeo y Julieta,' es el peligro directo de Edward hacia ella. Siempre me gustó la idea de que es él quien crea todo el peligro. No se trata de una influencia externa."

Pattinson, Stewart y el rest of the cast and crew of "Twilight" the movie filmed in Portland, Oregon, in the course of several months. The actor stifles a giggle, remembering the problems of lead vampire makeup, acting on trees and silly stunts.

"The makeup took centuries," says Pattinson, "because the basic problem with the story is that vampires can not seem too strange, they have to fit in with ordinary people. At the same time, there must be something supernatural in them because otherwise the story would not make sense. Besides being attractive, they need to be scary.

"Especially in my case, my makeup looked very natural," says. "Other people looked pale, but with me just used a gun with several shades of white and slightly darker shade to see me cut and drive. The makeup really was not very significant.

" Almost any stunts we did with the green screen, "continues Pattinson." There was a lot of work with cables. We work with the stunt coordinator of Jackie Chan. I'm not what you would call a stunt or a type of action movies - no school left the Jackie Chan action - so that was almost impossible.

"But I tried to do the best I could," he adds. "I went through so much training. Before I start work was completely out of shape, and really had to work hard not to die on stage. But it was interesting.

"There were many scenes that had to bear the cables at about 60 mph," Pattinson accurate. "It looked like it would be relatively easy to pretend I was running, but is one of the hardest things I've done in my life and never, ever want to do it again ... besides I'm contractually obliged to do (in the continuations of "Twilight"). "

The book series "Twilight" Meyer was an explosive phenomenon while still shooting the first adaptation Pattinson. And if that were not enough expectations raised "Twilight," his release date was changed to meet the ambitious weekend of November 21, vacated by "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."

Pattinson admits he was concerned that the tape does not meet expectations.

"When I got into this, I had some idea of \u200b\u200bwhat stage I was playing," he says, "but now, after having done it, I realize it's a much bigger stage than he had imagined. So I'm a little worried.

"The advertising campaigns are always a little scary," says Pattinson, "especially before something comes out. People expect too much. exaggerations terrify me. With any film that has too much advance publicity, I feel sorry for the actors, as they are in another league. "

Does advertising will rise in this case?

" A lot of people loved the book, "says Pattinson, "and I think the film is quite faithful to the book. Would you like at least just for that. "

If" Twilight "is successful, could make Pattinson - already completed the independent film" Little Ashes "and" How to Be, "yet to be shown - in a name known. That would surprise him, but so far, each step of his career has been unpredictable.

"I started acting by accident," reveals. "We never really thought about it when I was at school and was just lucky it started. I did some work and then I 'Harry Potter." That happened in the period in which I had to decide whether he would go to college. So life itself decided for me.

"But it was until quite recently when I realized how to review a script and how to get much satisfaction this, "continues Pattinson," it is a very lonely life when I'm working ... or when I'm not working. Now I'm in Los Angeles, all alone. All my friends live in London. So do my job and be able to fully commit to something else gives me life, while I have no other life than this.

"I really do not know what happened to me," says the actor. "I did 'Little Ashes' in which he plays Salvador Dalí. Speaking English all but me, the team and all. I basically read books about Dali every time and never talked to anyone. And I found that was one of the things more satisfying to have done in my life: just isolate myself from everything.

"was also the first time that, after finishing the job, could not remember how my life was before, which was a nice feeling in a felt quite strange. "

The future looks bright for Pattinson. Is ready to resume his role as Edward in "New Moon," the sequel to "Twilight," and will be in "Parts per Billion" with Rosario Dawson, Dennis Hopper and Olivia Thirlby. In short, if all goes as expected, Pattinson could end up as a star at the level of the stars of "Harry Potter" Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.

"Maybe it's because 'Twilight' is not out yet," he says, "but I think that Daniel, Emma and Rupert are much more important cultural icons ... I also think it is because they are very young and people have seen grow. I have 22 years and I think they see me only as an actor who makes movies, and I'm not too worried.

"But I talked to Daniel Radcliffe and seen how he handles things," says Pattinson, "and I see that you can not completely crazy. He has not changed at all in the four years I have met him. He always appears to be well grounded.

"That is a very good example to follow."

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underwear showing Ellen says "Bite Me" - Bite

"Now, are you single?" Ellen asked.

"Ah, yes," replied the British actor. "It seems that no wishes to establish a relationship with me. It is very strange. "" All I shout and even scream now appreciated that not only normal, if I relate emotionally to other people too. The truth is that nobody has accepted the challenge. "(I'LL GLADLY ACCEPT AND A GREAT SACRIFICE qede CLARO QE, ALL IS NO LONGER FOR QE ESTES SOLITO)

Ellen: Well, your hair, is something everyone is obsessed. They love your hair!
Rob: I know and in fact, I can not understand at all.
Ellen: There's something you always you should have ... well, something must tell people about your hair before.

Rob: My friends in London told me "Why everyone is so for your hair? It is completely crazy. " I mean, I do not know.
Ellen: Now, are you single? I'm sure this is the question you all want to know their response.
Rob: Ah, yes. Yes.
Ellen: And you want to stay single? Do you have some sort of ideal woman with whom you would like to establish a relationship?
Rob: I do not know, what happens is that it seems that nobody wants to get into a relationship with me. It is very strange.
Ellen: I think you're wrong [said after hearing the screams of the fans].
Rob: Well, girls like yelling. In fact, they like to yell relationships [eg. "Marry me" XD], but ultimately no one is committed.
Ellen: I'm sure soon someone shall undertake. Do you have a car?
Rob: If I have it.
Ellen: What about driving?
Rob: Well, technically handling, but have not had the opportunity to drive here.
Ellen: So, do not drive. Better yet, imagine you proque confused and you will run here on the wrong side of the road [remember that in England, people drive on the opposite side].
Rob: I guess I'll make it, after a few weeks, you know.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

How To Get Bubbles Out Of Dry Wallpaper

We are a small dot in the universe ...

Earth and Moon seen from Mars. Photo: NASA.
The world seems so big and beautiful is not just a single point in the universe ... Is it worth in a world enclosed within the small world? ...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Peteborough Ontario Lesbian

a funny video ...

has been grueling week of exams in RL, but today I got the link of this video I share with you ... you know I'm a fan of Mario games but if you're not going to have fun ... failing to enter SL, enjoy ... and St. Valentine ... after a while we talk =).

Friday, February 8, 2008

Welcome Message For A New Baby


Put the music play, will read at your reading my blog =)

full time I'm in exams so my mind is working harder than normal and again I had inspiration and I have the time to write this blog like old times ... now I just hope to continue having the patience to read me and if not ... better get out on Youtube =).

I have always appreciated the sims of Second Life that serve more than just buying or dance like crazy and the other night taking advantage of the renewal that I had my computer that I can run the software of a more fluid way I decided to visit a site that never finished watching -and this time I could not do it because he's really ENOOORME are 3 islands together at several levels who should have literally millions of prims ", I mean the International Spaceflight Museum.


This site is much bigger than the last time I visited and has the support of NASA (the site you're on the side of the island JPL already told you about months ago).

This time I concentrated on one of the most interactive and exciting you'll find in all SL: a journey through the solar system which is what I will tell you ... but first a brief introduction to why I like this site.

In RL my dad is super fan of everything related to space and grew up hearing all the time he was born the same day that Apollo 11 was flying to the moon ... only 13 years later ... when we went to Florida, our experience most fascinating was not in Disneyland but at the Kennedy Space Center (Cape Canaveral for the guys), especially because we had the opportunity to watch a live shuttle launch back in the early 90's.

One of the most treasured doll is "Barbie Astronaut "I gave my aunt's original late 60's and the best rides of summer were our trips to camp with their families to see the stars and planets through a telescope ...

The few times I have the chance to turn the sky (do not you have past that we are so busy with our daily lives that we turn up rarely in a lull?) I always wonder what will be walking into another world like the moon, see the stars and float around freely as as SL avatars can do ...


With this in mind I discovered with great satisfaction that in the ISM (International Spaceflight Musem) in SL you can ride on a rocket to literally reach the International Space Station and then go off for a ride through the universe.


The spacecraft selected for this tour (only the first part but highly interactive taking advantage of all the capabilities and limitations of SL) is a capsule "Gemini" which is mounted on a Titan II rocket which would separate the men released espaco to launch nuclear bombs to the Soviet Union (no, do not ask me how I know all that.) But space travel warrants be in the company of someone else ... and then I remembered someone said in his blog that he wanted to touch the stars, so I brought to me ... I Cimino Fernanda, a Reform party any day. We adorn our spacesuits and we climbed to the rocket ... the view from inside the view is very detailed, with buttons and controls pretty well built. The site is so well designed that step is giving you the explanation of how to take off the Titan and tells you to better experience the light settings in your SL at midnight and stuff ... And Takeoffs!.


Upon reaching Earth orbit our ship makes a move and is attached to the space platform from which we can contemplate in all its splendor our beautiful Earth.


begin our journey beginning to end on Pluto Mercury ... the experience of visiting the surface of Mars is really impressive ... if a few days ago came the news that one of the carts explorers had taken a picture of what looked like a woman sitting ... ERA YOOO! =).



Finally finished the solar system and the next step is to visit the nearest stars ... at about 4 light years from our sun ... and here is where Cimino was able to touch the stars ... WISH GRANTED.

days later I decided to continue touring the site as I was told that there was a place where I could realize my dream: walking on the moon.


I always wondered why it was never a woman to the moon. The answer is that to be an astronaut in the 60's was necessary to be a fighter pilot with experience ... and in the 60's there were no female fighter pilots ... as I write this, the space shuttle is passing over our heads with a woman in command how things change.

And yes ... I found the Moon. With all its Apollo Lunar Module landed on the lunar surface by the car and some of the experiments the astronauts deployed in our beloved Selene. If my daddy could see me piloting a lunar module on the moon or walking leaving footprints in the gray dust.


There is much to see in the ISM and surrounding sites, and you can learn a lot through the notecards and there are video screens that pass videos about space and even broadcast live on NASA TV when mission ferry (that's watching my dad now in its compu) ... so you know, if one of these days you get fed dances and plenty of fools who live it screaming "hooooo!" or roaring like cats as they create even more lag than there is by its very presence, take a tour of the ISM (searches search "Spaceport Alpha" or "Spaceport Bravo") ... also give you some nice goodies like a shirt (nothing special) or a model of a ship "Mercury" to put on your virtual desk ... oh, and I recommend you a turn for the planetarium ... exhibition on global warming really open your eyes and trust me, after that at least once a week will use the bus to get to work.

Well ... this is a relatively "short" space of my experiences in SL ... and then return to their old ways posting my photos showing off my poses and outfits through the poseball Marga ... but for a while I decided to tell a little more experience brain of those who liked both in times of more rating for this blog =).

And if I was struck by the moon much as I do, I recommend you see the miniseries "From the Earth to the Moon" produced by Tom Hanks for HBO (another of the "treasures" in the family video library) ... apart to be quite impressive and historically correct, is quite entertaining (it is a series TV, not a documentary) ... and if you're lucky and you get to make a film called "In the Shadow of The Moon" Check it out, I recommend it, the astronauts who landed on the moon and still live (almost incredible that they are 40 years and nobody has time back) will have its own voice that lived a little old ... reamente are quite tender, imagine your grandfather tells you about his early life but with the caveat that these grandparents lived, walked and worked, for at least a couple of days on the surface of the moon, is not believed, right?!.

Now if I leave I have a test tomorrow (yes, on Saturday O_o) ... pass it well and if you have time, turn the sky a few moments really going to escape your problems here on Earth.


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Victoria's Secret Bathing Suit Size Chart


Babysitter Came On To Me


Tomorrow Sasha is 1 year exist in SL ... ironic morning Sasha and its lights will be in SL lol.

I'll see if I write a review of my years SL or not ... Right now I have no time or inclination: P

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Good Furniture Stores In Toronto

is Saturday and I have no desire to connect to SL ... well I leave you with a video that happened to me knowing that they are a fan of Mario Bros and especially the tune ... here in one of the most beautiful versions where you can hear the classic theme of the first Mario. Czech particular part of the music of the ocean, how soon does not seem a waltz? =)

Monday, January 21, 2008

How To Dress Up A Towel Rack


Los Angeles birthdays: Fer Cimino, Marga, Juan Pablo and Tous ... and red, "the red devils" Paty y yop ... which certainly fulfilled SL years too soon ... remember Paty in the beginning that was my clone, was my apprentice, my daughter SL, which I led from newbie to be quite a mature avatar (a little one so not everyone?).
I'm not as good shooting as my compatriot ... never flipped (and turning) to my camera (well, that happens to me in RL lol).
Aaarrghh, I hate widescreen ... my pictures do not fit well in the blog :/... mmm ... return it to play in windowed mode? ...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Causes Of A Inflamed Cervix

away from me ...

I thought I had turned off the Wii ...

Pintora Barbara Weber

As promised ... for kindly Tous =)


Like last night I put the song I asked for you, you put it here, put him nomas PLAY =)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Best And Closest Shaver