Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Red Bridge Card Reader Rb-539

When I had planned to dedicate this month to things much simpler and without relative importance compared to what used to write in this blog about my experiences in Second Life, fate takes a turn capricious and is again time to get serious in a situation really warrants it, and although it is a situation typical of the first life, is something whose importance has reached the realm of virtual world to raise awareness all the women we usually spend some time to live electronics a second life, who in a very particular, but not excluding those that do not should read this post from my blog.

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We are in the month of October and this month has been designated internationally as a month dedicated to the fight against breast cancer, a terrible evil that had not been detected in time has claimed millions of lives of women around the world. To me in particular the word cancer is perhaps the one that gives me the chills for very personal reasons. Many people out of ignorance or laziness know the true extent of this terrible disease and even I can say that ignorance on the subject is more dangerous than the evil itself.

During this month, everywhere we see signs at bus stops, ads on television, radio, print and Internet campaigns to open up promoting awareness of the importance of preventing this disease with a slogan as simple as promoted by direct established stars of showbiz and sport shirts bearing the legend written in pink lettering: "please touch" in clear reference to the simple self with which we can detect early signs of the disease.

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Photo: MedioTiempo.com

Even so traditionally masculine sport such as football's first division soccer in Mexico has been added to this awareness campaign by reaching an agreement by which all games played during the month of October be entered using a pink ball Voit signature, which, of those great coincidences that often occur (I doubt that has been planned, we know how they are spent in the FMF when planning calendars) will have a tremendous impact on the media to be held this month some of the most watched televised games such as the America vs. Cruz Azul (and played and resulted in a tie) and between American National Classic vs. Guadalajara, in addition to all the players on all teams begin with a pink bow on one shoulder, which is the international symbol of the fight against breast cancer and even the referees, these are almost always the villains dressed in black, this month dressed in bright pink uniforms to raise a little awareness of the general public to this terrible disease that takes the life of a Mexican every 140 minutes. In our country

cim * ab Foundation ( http://www.fundacioncima.org ) led by Alejandra de la Cima is the main profit organization that fights breast cancer with both campaigns and preventive measures such as the aforementioned association with FMF and also mentioned "Please touch" as well as raising funds to support poor women in the detection and treatment of this terrible evil. I highly recommend all readers of my blog and those who have an avatar in SL, which is not insignificant, visit their website to obtain more information and to be possible to support this noble cause according to their abilities even if the most simple: to spread this message that can help save many lives, starting with ours.

And Second Life could not escape that noble cause as a group of women survivors of this disease have joined a support group called "Take Action!" which has one location in SL located at: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sorrento% 20City/92 / 160 / 0 / and has focused on creating a network of mutual support and information about the disease because this addition to being a terrible physical illness is also a very hard psychological blow to those who have had the misfortune of being diagnosed. Until today I have not found any sim Hispanic, much less Mexico, which has some support campaign to fight this terrible disease, which is not associated with any association or enterprise but is a clear message of general importance, so do a serious call to the makers of ALL Second Life sims Mexicans without distinction of any kind: Reform / Can Cun, Mexico sim, Mexcity, La Frontera , and I miss you to join this campaign rose lifesaving information. How?, You are best able to determine that they have shown that their creativity has no limits and can range from something as simple as a small poster to something bigger informative, colorful and original, as if they were able to place Mexican flags or giant gourd-shaped ornaments, that's better than putting in a selfless something in the islands, which serves to combat this real monster called cancer. I appeal to your good heart and creativity and all women will appreciate your effort.

Although there are many factors that increase the chances of contracting this disease, the mere fact of being a woman and is a risk factor in ensuring that all take our precautions and informed us, because the best weapon we have against cancer is early detection, significantly increasing the effectiveness of treatments, because I know that under my own roof I have a survivor who has won not once, but twice this terrible disease and is living testimony that if we can win this terrible battle, the same woman who gave me life, first life. The worst thing you can do is stay silent out of pity or shame. Request information autoexplorate, ask your doctor and go to organizations like cim * ab to give or receive support because if God forbid you become diagnosed with this evil, the worst thing you can do is face feeling lonely.

In solidarity with the global campaign to combat breast cancer, this blog changes its color to pink which is the official color of this fight and now I am compiling a simple shirt with pink ribbon to take to the virtual world important message.

A good friend of SL could be in the difficult situation face to face this terrible monster and dedicate all my love this blog pink for her. I know your great spirit and strength and I have faith in God that everything will go well and feel confident we will have lots of people praying for you and no matter how hard he could reach be the test, someone like you can only come victorious and stronger from something like this as well wrote Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul): "If God is with me, who can be against me?".

From Second Life with Love ...


PD: I want to thank specially to Website http://www.mediotiempo.com used without permission because one of his photographs of the press conference of presentation of the pink ball. Read the full story at: http://www.mediotiempo.com/noticia.php?id_noticia=45343


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