After an absence caused inter alia by RL examinations and walk in the exhibitions of the Universal Forum of Cultures, finally returned to this second life, just to start in October with the right foot and give back some life to this blog.
The night of Thursday October 4 last night became a very successful event "Juebebes" organized by the folks at Mexcity. Unlike other sims, this place have chosen to go slowly dosing the entertainment of the island and have begun to do only 1 party a week and have been chosen precisely because they were held on Thursday the biggest day of probability of attendance (those who work or study you may not even have a chance to go out in RL as in a weekend even though I may at weekends) in addition to the event schedule begins in a more than adequate for a weekday it starts at 7:30 pm the dance hall. While still early testing with the music to establish their view channel exclusive streaming audio and therefore even begin with some technical flaws, little by little they are polished and the music program with which the environment encourages of Mexcity is totally different from what you hear in other places around Second Life, it is a purely Mexican program (for all sims of all countries can play rock or Punchis Punchis " as all sides begin to sound the same) and there were times where I felt flat in the" Far West "(for those who are in Monterrey or know my ranch, you know what I mean) by I chose what to get my hat to dance to the rhythm of
But if this is finally the Latin American market has reached a very acceptable option to buy Linden dollars to spend or invest in the game without having to obtain a premium account or owning a credit card .
The Tuixén 100% Mexican company is about to launch its new service Linden purchase via SMS text messages via cell phone, much like some services already operating in Europe. In the next entry in this blog will have more information regarding this service to be officially released as of October 10 of this and have an exclusive interview with the director general of Tuixén, Romme Abramovic, who kindly took care for this servant to send me information on this project make it known to scoop, to give us more details of how it will work, in which countries will be available and the cost will be handled, but now they advance to be available in the United States, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina and Mexico and can obviously be used with most cell phone companies of these countries and the best sims in America. Stay tuned.
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