Saturday, October 20, 2007

Millionaire From Roulette

De Lindens and Weights

One of the main concerns I had to come to Second Life was that almost all had cost and did not know how to get money. The first option was the camp, where they gave you some money by leaving your avatar sitting for a certain period but nevertheless the cost-benefit ratio was not good because they had to stay quite long periods to get a paltry amount soon you realize that was useless. The next alternative that there was work, but had the serious disadvantage that there are few decent jobs or paying if you have advanced knowledge of Internet and Second Life platform so your chances were reduced to becoming a "escort" which is nothing but a virtual prostitute who is the most common work and better paid for which are not shown as an alternative to this being a security guard, promovendedor or model, with the latter option quite limited by the fact that really require an avatar beautiful which only get to at least L $ 2000 which brings us back to the basic problem that brought us here: we can make money.

With the ban on casinos things only got worse for those without a linden split in half and then there is no alternative until now: to become Premium user and have access to buying lindens with your credit card. However, there are several problems with these options Does the principal?, Simple: you need an international credit card! habemos and many people especially in Mexico and Latin America we do not want to use one on the internet or worse, we do not have access to this form of financing. Suddenly in your adventures in SL find that outfit you will never look good in the real world but your avatar perfectly fits provided hair and decide you want until you like in the real world you take a disappointment when you look at price and compare it with your marker lindens. If you are lucky to live in Europe have it easier because you can acquire some of the currency of Second Life through ATMs that some companies put in some popular sims old continent and work through cell phone SMS messages. But oh disappointment!, Do not live in either the U.S. or Europe but in Latin America, then you're doomed to be an outcast of the virtual economy if you have no special talent as design objects, clothes or being a DJ for a sim ... until now .

Some companies have begun to see the enormous potential of Second Life as a business platform despite optimistic forecasts nothing and decided to venture into the hitherto untouched market for the sale of virtual currency for Latin American avatars as you know we a culture quite reluctant to use a credit card over the Internet or just plain do not have access to one.

Mobilize your second life ...

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The first company devoted to selling virtual currency for Latin America is Tuixén , a joint entrepreneurs venture between Argentina and Mexico that offer the sale of Linden dollars via cell phone text messages in virtually all of the Americas including the United States. This service has a website explaining the operation of the service in each country where it is available, which so far are: Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and the United States at: where to click on the flag country where you access to the site you're custom of your country and then receive instructions and cost of service in your own language. The service for Mexico, which is where I find myself basically works as follows:

1 .- SL located in a kiosk Tuixén are available in most popular sims (until now is in Mexico sim and La Frontera, see the complete list on its Web site) or you can go directly to local Tuixén in SL, just look for "Tuixén" with the search tool that brings your SL software.

2 .- The kiosk will give you a pin number, it is important that we scored very well for your work to the first transaction.

3 .- Send from your phone the following message: IN Tuixén [Space] your PIN number to your 7766 and your money will be charged to your account within a period not exceeding 3 minutes.

Currently the service is available for mobile Movistar and Iusacell / Unefon (coming soon available for Telcel, check availability on the page). This transaction will cost $ 13 pesos + VAT per message (comes with about 15 weight of your balance in total) which has in turn will get in Second Life L $ 50 ... let the calculator in your place!, I should clarify that as all service of this kind are no intermediaries such as service provider and phone company so definitely L $ 50 NO cost $ 13 pesos at the exchange rate prevailing on LindeX, but is an excellent choice if you need virtual currency to complete that piece of clothing or virtual gadget that you always dreamed of for your avatar without having to sign up as premium user with the corresponding monthly fee charged your credit card without having to spend hours sitting as oyster or worse, dancing or doing the most ridiculous things in exchange for a few lindens. This is also a pretty good choice to serve as an initial investment to start your business because we remember that to create clothing costs and anecdotally I can let you know that one of Mexico's most successful entrepreneurs started their business in SL dedicated to sports only an initial investment of L $ 300, so you might as well start being self-sufficient initial capital to fund your SMS messages.

Abramovic Romm Thank you for the information, He is the director of this project with which I have no relationship to the present you a useful alternative that I have ever tried and is really effective. Tuixén offers a free phone for any questions or doubts, available in some countries where it currently provides the service and will also clarify that in each country works with cellular carriers in each territory and cost according to each local market.

Brazilian Solution for

Tuixén is not the only option available in Mexico buy virtual currency to pay in pesos without credit card as a second company is about to officially launch its service acquisition currency using a proven solution in the Brazilian market and once I talked about in this space: you can buy prepaid cards almost to the corner store.

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service I speak of is LINDENCARD and is offered by Internet Architects, the creators of Mexcity, in partnership with Toditocard. A few months ago I suggested this method as the more practical to offer money to the Mexican avatars every day but felt we were more like most stayed in a ratote newbie status in the absence of valid choices to be made of lindens and the only Mexican supply of just sit 6 hours followed in exchange for just L $ 72. I see with pleasure that I was not the only one who had that idea and that a serious company with vision and IA had enough imagination and resources to implement it, which leads me to the conclusion that it does not take years in SL or not occupied as the first Mexican company authorized to offer Second Life by Linden Labs virtual services to succeed because I think it is more important to get to work seriously in a business strategy to pass it all the time giving interviews in all media assuming a sim as nice as useless in analyzing it as a business, as well as IA Tuixén are companies that have no more than two months in SL, but hey, at least it served to exponentially increase the number of Mexicans who use SL, which are all potential customers of both companies mentioned above ... well the saying: "No one knows for whom they work." Well, it was much roll and still did not explain how it works Lindencard.

Here we have the option of purchasing quantities of Second Life currency much larger than Tuixén. Basically what we have to do is buy a prepaid card Toditocard, which works well as Internet access prepaid phone (something that if you are a user of SL you should have left behind long ago as this thing just pulls with broadband) phone card long distance service and prepaid payment as some online music sites, newspaper subscriptions and now to buy linden dollars in Second Life. These cards have been sold in the Oxxos, 7-Eleven, on newsstands and other enclosed spaces and are in various denominations ranging from $ 50 to $ 300 pesos depending on the name is the number of lindens that you can buy, which according to a chart's own ATM are:

- A card of $ 50 dollars gives you L $ 350 (L $ is short for linden dollars, I'd got to say)

- The toditocard $ 100 pesos you get L $ 750

- cards $ 150 pesos you give L $ 1.200

- If you bought a card for $ 185 pesos have L $ 1.400

- A toditocard $ 300 pesos will give in exchange L $ 2.800

Again the same explanation that Tuixén: it is more than obvious that there are fixed costs to be covered for the service and make room for commercially viable so the pesos paid by the card does not become full in as if you buy lindens on LindeX, however is a quite reasonable alternative to using a credit card that not everyone has or is willing to use on the network.

Ok, you buy a Toditocard, now what do I do?. These cards are like prepaid cell phones, bring back a box of rubber that you scrape to get your pin, having done so, log in to SL and teleport to Mexcity, look there for ATM Toditocard (is between the beach and Garibaldi Square , not lost).

Touch the ATM and you'll see one of those text messages in a blue box in Second Life, give and take that picture will open a web browser window with a form where you type the number of pin card. Le das OK on the website and at a time will be credited the amount purchased in your SL account. This service is currently only available in Mexico.

We wish these two companies the best of success with these services where they are win-win for Second Life users to have more ways to acquire money to enjoy our second life and satisfy our consumerist frenzy in this world of digital fantasy.


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