Monday, October 15, 2007

Make A South Park Character Wwe

BLOG ACTION DAY! Fight an enemy

is the third crash of the night which made my SL client and when I better go to sleep or make any before throwing anything from the second floor of the computer, I almost passed post something on the Blog Action Day this year is themed environment.
I've never been a fan of caring for the environment though I must confess that I really adore the film Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" for which he received not only an Oscar, but also the Nobel Peace Prize. If you have not seen it, see it, it really opens minds. (Another gem of the documentary can be found there on DVD is "Who Killed the Electric Car?" Referring to General Motors as the "autoboicoteo" in a program to create a 100% electric car ecolĂ­ogico).
after seeing that more and try to walk at least once a week try to take the bus to go to school instead of driving.
truth when I'm typing this I am consuming valuable resources on the planet, spending most likely kilowatts generated by burning fuel oil, which is from which it derives more than 80% of electricity in this country ... Ironically, I still remember an unfortunate instruction notecard Block deforms Contest where one of the tests was to write a miniensayo highlighting the ecological advantages of virtual items ... you can imagine who wrote such stupid things because the truth is that it consumes more power to run the computers that make it possible for SL than necessary to make a garment in the real world (remember that not only are our composed, but also the internet provider, the Linden Labs and their Internet providers, among many ectétera).
'm not in favor of environmental groups starting with Green Peace and their protests quite radical, I still have in memory the opening scene of Armageddon where they are protesting with their boat (apparently the famous Rainbow Warrior II) against the oil rig the character played by Bruce Willis and with ironic truth just screams "you know as burning diesel that thing?" and threw a golf ball ... especially when I remember their recent protest against the Porsche SUV, which dressed up a pig's Cayenne ... when he read the news a companion to me and says, "you think they took that thing pushing?". Nor do I understand the benefit to the environment to disguise the fact giant ear and chained to the railings of the company MASECA.
I say this as a clear example of the care of the environment is more than what is said than is done today is more than nice talk about climate change awareness and create "green" products, but the reality is that it is a marketing strategy Telethon style that the real intention of helping our planet.
I stay with a phrase that was advertised here in Monterrey Universal Forum of Cultures: We can not go back and forth across an image of the planet Saturn.
Anything I say here to help the environment is superfluous, and all we had access to a pamphlet to enlighten us on the subject. This is just my little bit I put on my trench in Second Life ... And now, to turn off my computer and the lights of my room that I save energy to save the environment ... and very rich past to rest. Environmentally yours



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