Friday, October 26, 2007

Blac Men Genital Wart


know many love my blog. .. and other more than they hate but never expect someone to go as far to reward readers of this humble space in Second Life but anything can happen and I have received from Abramovic Romm, director of Tuixén the news of a promotion of this service lindens for charging via sms to all readers of this blog.
Simply add the code * SASHABLOG after your pin number to SMS to recharge lindens and receive a bonus of L $ 10 to recharge your L $ 50 per message.
Assuming the pin number is: 123ABC the sample message is:

IN Tuixén 123ABC * SASHABLOG to 7766 (for users in Mexico)

Best of all, Romm says that this promotion does not have a limit of messages that can recharge using this code, or you can use it anytime you want.
Tuixén Thanks in advance for this promotion will hopefully step aside and seize it, say, 10 are 10 lindens lindens and take them on camping occupy at least 15 minutes ... as a symbolic gift, but gift in the end out.
Kisses, hugs and apapachos to everyone and enjoy your two lives, and good and bad to know that I'll be there supporting them even spiritually. Sasha

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Millionaire From Roulette

De Lindens and Weights

One of the main concerns I had to come to Second Life was that almost all had cost and did not know how to get money. The first option was the camp, where they gave you some money by leaving your avatar sitting for a certain period but nevertheless the cost-benefit ratio was not good because they had to stay quite long periods to get a paltry amount soon you realize that was useless. The next alternative that there was work, but had the serious disadvantage that there are few decent jobs or paying if you have advanced knowledge of Internet and Second Life platform so your chances were reduced to becoming a "escort" which is nothing but a virtual prostitute who is the most common work and better paid for which are not shown as an alternative to this being a security guard, promovendedor or model, with the latter option quite limited by the fact that really require an avatar beautiful which only get to at least L $ 2000 which brings us back to the basic problem that brought us here: we can make money.

With the ban on casinos things only got worse for those without a linden split in half and then there is no alternative until now: to become Premium user and have access to buying lindens with your credit card. However, there are several problems with these options Does the principal?, Simple: you need an international credit card! habemos and many people especially in Mexico and Latin America we do not want to use one on the internet or worse, we do not have access to this form of financing. Suddenly in your adventures in SL find that outfit you will never look good in the real world but your avatar perfectly fits provided hair and decide you want until you like in the real world you take a disappointment when you look at price and compare it with your marker lindens. If you are lucky to live in Europe have it easier because you can acquire some of the currency of Second Life through ATMs that some companies put in some popular sims old continent and work through cell phone SMS messages. But oh disappointment!, Do not live in either the U.S. or Europe but in Latin America, then you're doomed to be an outcast of the virtual economy if you have no special talent as design objects, clothes or being a DJ for a sim ... until now .

Some companies have begun to see the enormous potential of Second Life as a business platform despite optimistic forecasts nothing and decided to venture into the hitherto untouched market for the sale of virtual currency for Latin American avatars as you know we a culture quite reluctant to use a credit card over the Internet or just plain do not have access to one.

Mobilize your second life ...

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The first company devoted to selling virtual currency for Latin America is Tuixén , a joint entrepreneurs venture between Argentina and Mexico that offer the sale of Linden dollars via cell phone text messages in virtually all of the Americas including the United States. This service has a website explaining the operation of the service in each country where it is available, which so far are: Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and the United States at: where to click on the flag country where you access to the site you're custom of your country and then receive instructions and cost of service in your own language. The service for Mexico, which is where I find myself basically works as follows:

1 .- SL located in a kiosk Tuixén are available in most popular sims (until now is in Mexico sim and La Frontera, see the complete list on its Web site) or you can go directly to local Tuixén in SL, just look for "Tuixén" with the search tool that brings your SL software.

2 .- The kiosk will give you a pin number, it is important that we scored very well for your work to the first transaction.

3 .- Send from your phone the following message: IN Tuixén [Space] your PIN number to your 7766 and your money will be charged to your account within a period not exceeding 3 minutes.

Currently the service is available for mobile Movistar and Iusacell / Unefon (coming soon available for Telcel, check availability on the page). This transaction will cost $ 13 pesos + VAT per message (comes with about 15 weight of your balance in total) which has in turn will get in Second Life L $ 50 ... let the calculator in your place!, I should clarify that as all service of this kind are no intermediaries such as service provider and phone company so definitely L $ 50 NO cost $ 13 pesos at the exchange rate prevailing on LindeX, but is an excellent choice if you need virtual currency to complete that piece of clothing or virtual gadget that you always dreamed of for your avatar without having to sign up as premium user with the corresponding monthly fee charged your credit card without having to spend hours sitting as oyster or worse, dancing or doing the most ridiculous things in exchange for a few lindens. This is also a pretty good choice to serve as an initial investment to start your business because we remember that to create clothing costs and anecdotally I can let you know that one of Mexico's most successful entrepreneurs started their business in SL dedicated to sports only an initial investment of L $ 300, so you might as well start being self-sufficient initial capital to fund your SMS messages.

Abramovic Romm Thank you for the information, He is the director of this project with which I have no relationship to the present you a useful alternative that I have ever tried and is really effective. Tuixén offers a free phone for any questions or doubts, available in some countries where it currently provides the service and will also clarify that in each country works with cellular carriers in each territory and cost according to each local market.

Brazilian Solution for

Tuixén is not the only option available in Mexico buy virtual currency to pay in pesos without credit card as a second company is about to officially launch its service acquisition currency using a proven solution in the Brazilian market and once I talked about in this space: you can buy prepaid cards almost to the corner store.

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service I speak of is LINDENCARD and is offered by Internet Architects, the creators of Mexcity, in partnership with Toditocard. A few months ago I suggested this method as the more practical to offer money to the Mexican avatars every day but felt we were more like most stayed in a ratote newbie status in the absence of valid choices to be made of lindens and the only Mexican supply of just sit 6 hours followed in exchange for just L $ 72. I see with pleasure that I was not the only one who had that idea and that a serious company with vision and IA had enough imagination and resources to implement it, which leads me to the conclusion that it does not take years in SL or not occupied as the first Mexican company authorized to offer Second Life by Linden Labs virtual services to succeed because I think it is more important to get to work seriously in a business strategy to pass it all the time giving interviews in all media assuming a sim as nice as useless in analyzing it as a business, as well as IA Tuixén are companies that have no more than two months in SL, but hey, at least it served to exponentially increase the number of Mexicans who use SL, which are all potential customers of both companies mentioned above ... well the saying: "No one knows for whom they work." Well, it was much roll and still did not explain how it works Lindencard.

Here we have the option of purchasing quantities of Second Life currency much larger than Tuixén. Basically what we have to do is buy a prepaid card Toditocard, which works well as Internet access prepaid phone (something that if you are a user of SL you should have left behind long ago as this thing just pulls with broadband) phone card long distance service and prepaid payment as some online music sites, newspaper subscriptions and now to buy linden dollars in Second Life. These cards have been sold in the Oxxos, 7-Eleven, on newsstands and other enclosed spaces and are in various denominations ranging from $ 50 to $ 300 pesos depending on the name is the number of lindens that you can buy, which according to a chart's own ATM are:

- A card of $ 50 dollars gives you L $ 350 (L $ is short for linden dollars, I'd got to say)

- The toditocard $ 100 pesos you get L $ 750

- cards $ 150 pesos you give L $ 1.200

- If you bought a card for $ 185 pesos have L $ 1.400

- A toditocard $ 300 pesos will give in exchange L $ 2.800

Again the same explanation that Tuixén: it is more than obvious that there are fixed costs to be covered for the service and make room for commercially viable so the pesos paid by the card does not become full in as if you buy lindens on LindeX, however is a quite reasonable alternative to using a credit card that not everyone has or is willing to use on the network.

Ok, you buy a Toditocard, now what do I do?. These cards are like prepaid cell phones, bring back a box of rubber that you scrape to get your pin, having done so, log in to SL and teleport to Mexcity, look there for ATM Toditocard (is between the beach and Garibaldi Square , not lost).

Touch the ATM and you'll see one of those text messages in a blue box in Second Life, give and take that picture will open a web browser window with a form where you type the number of pin card. Le das OK on the website and at a time will be credited the amount purchased in your SL account. This service is currently only available in Mexico.

We wish these two companies the best of success with these services where they are win-win for Second Life users to have more ways to acquire money to enjoy our second life and satisfy our consumerist frenzy in this world of digital fantasy.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Make A South Park Character Wwe

BLOG ACTION DAY! Fight an enemy

is the third crash of the night which made my SL client and when I better go to sleep or make any before throwing anything from the second floor of the computer, I almost passed post something on the Blog Action Day this year is themed environment.
I've never been a fan of caring for the environment though I must confess that I really adore the film Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" for which he received not only an Oscar, but also the Nobel Peace Prize. If you have not seen it, see it, it really opens minds. (Another gem of the documentary can be found there on DVD is "Who Killed the Electric Car?" Referring to General Motors as the "autoboicoteo" in a program to create a 100% electric car ecolíogico).
after seeing that more and try to walk at least once a week try to take the bus to go to school instead of driving.
truth when I'm typing this I am consuming valuable resources on the planet, spending most likely kilowatts generated by burning fuel oil, which is from which it derives more than 80% of electricity in this country ... Ironically, I still remember an unfortunate instruction notecard Block deforms Contest where one of the tests was to write a miniensayo highlighting the ecological advantages of virtual items ... you can imagine who wrote such stupid things because the truth is that it consumes more power to run the computers that make it possible for SL than necessary to make a garment in the real world (remember that not only are our composed, but also the internet provider, the Linden Labs and their Internet providers, among many ectétera).
'm not in favor of environmental groups starting with Green Peace and their protests quite radical, I still have in memory the opening scene of Armageddon where they are protesting with their boat (apparently the famous Rainbow Warrior II) against the oil rig the character played by Bruce Willis and with ironic truth just screams "you know as burning diesel that thing?" and threw a golf ball ... especially when I remember their recent protest against the Porsche SUV, which dressed up a pig's Cayenne ... when he read the news a companion to me and says, "you think they took that thing pushing?". Nor do I understand the benefit to the environment to disguise the fact giant ear and chained to the railings of the company MASECA.
I say this as a clear example of the care of the environment is more than what is said than is done today is more than nice talk about climate change awareness and create "green" products, but the reality is that it is a marketing strategy Telethon style that the real intention of helping our planet.
I stay with a phrase that was advertised here in Monterrey Universal Forum of Cultures: We can not go back and forth across an image of the planet Saturn.
Anything I say here to help the environment is superfluous, and all we had access to a pamphlet to enlighten us on the subject. This is just my little bit I put on my trench in Second Life ... And now, to turn off my computer and the lights of my room that I save energy to save the environment ... and very rich past to rest. Environmentally yours


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Red Bridge Card Reader Rb-539

When I had planned to dedicate this month to things much simpler and without relative importance compared to what used to write in this blog about my experiences in Second Life, fate takes a turn capricious and is again time to get serious in a situation really warrants it, and although it is a situation typical of the first life, is something whose importance has reached the realm of virtual world to raise awareness all the women we usually spend some time to live electronics a second life, who in a very particular, but not excluding those that do not should read this post from my blog.

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We are in the month of October and this month has been designated internationally as a month dedicated to the fight against breast cancer, a terrible evil that had not been detected in time has claimed millions of lives of women around the world. To me in particular the word cancer is perhaps the one that gives me the chills for very personal reasons. Many people out of ignorance or laziness know the true extent of this terrible disease and even I can say that ignorance on the subject is more dangerous than the evil itself.

During this month, everywhere we see signs at bus stops, ads on television, radio, print and Internet campaigns to open up promoting awareness of the importance of preventing this disease with a slogan as simple as promoted by direct established stars of showbiz and sport shirts bearing the legend written in pink lettering: "please touch" in clear reference to the simple self with which we can detect early signs of the disease.

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Even so traditionally masculine sport such as football's first division soccer in Mexico has been added to this awareness campaign by reaching an agreement by which all games played during the month of October be entered using a pink ball Voit signature, which, of those great coincidences that often occur (I doubt that has been planned, we know how they are spent in the FMF when planning calendars) will have a tremendous impact on the media to be held this month some of the most watched televised games such as the America vs. Cruz Azul (and played and resulted in a tie) and between American National Classic vs. Guadalajara, in addition to all the players on all teams begin with a pink bow on one shoulder, which is the international symbol of the fight against breast cancer and even the referees, these are almost always the villains dressed in black, this month dressed in bright pink uniforms to raise a little awareness of the general public to this terrible disease that takes the life of a Mexican every 140 minutes. In our country

cim * ab Foundation ( ) led by Alejandra de la Cima is the main profit organization that fights breast cancer with both campaigns and preventive measures such as the aforementioned association with FMF and also mentioned "Please touch" as well as raising funds to support poor women in the detection and treatment of this terrible evil. I highly recommend all readers of my blog and those who have an avatar in SL, which is not insignificant, visit their website to obtain more information and to be possible to support this noble cause according to their abilities even if the most simple: to spread this message that can help save many lives, starting with ours.

And Second Life could not escape that noble cause as a group of women survivors of this disease have joined a support group called "Take Action!" which has one location in SL located at: 20City/92 / 160 / 0 / and has focused on creating a network of mutual support and information about the disease because this addition to being a terrible physical illness is also a very hard psychological blow to those who have had the misfortune of being diagnosed. Until today I have not found any sim Hispanic, much less Mexico, which has some support campaign to fight this terrible disease, which is not associated with any association or enterprise but is a clear message of general importance, so do a serious call to the makers of ALL Second Life sims Mexicans without distinction of any kind: Reform / Can Cun, Mexico sim, Mexcity, La Frontera , and I miss you to join this campaign rose lifesaving information. How?, You are best able to determine that they have shown that their creativity has no limits and can range from something as simple as a small poster to something bigger informative, colorful and original, as if they were able to place Mexican flags or giant gourd-shaped ornaments, that's better than putting in a selfless something in the islands, which serves to combat this real monster called cancer. I appeal to your good heart and creativity and all women will appreciate your effort.

Although there are many factors that increase the chances of contracting this disease, the mere fact of being a woman and is a risk factor in ensuring that all take our precautions and informed us, because the best weapon we have against cancer is early detection, significantly increasing the effectiveness of treatments, because I know that under my own roof I have a survivor who has won not once, but twice this terrible disease and is living testimony that if we can win this terrible battle, the same woman who gave me life, first life. The worst thing you can do is stay silent out of pity or shame. Request information autoexplorate, ask your doctor and go to organizations like cim * ab to give or receive support because if God forbid you become diagnosed with this evil, the worst thing you can do is face feeling lonely.

In solidarity with the global campaign to combat breast cancer, this blog changes its color to pink which is the official color of this fight and now I am compiling a simple shirt with pink ribbon to take to the virtual world important message.

A good friend of SL could be in the difficult situation face to face this terrible monster and dedicate all my love this blog pink for her. I know your great spirit and strength and I have faith in God that everything will go well and feel confident we will have lots of people praying for you and no matter how hard he could reach be the test, someone like you can only come victorious and stronger from something like this as well wrote Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul): "If God is with me, who can be against me?".

From Second Life with Love ...


PD: I want to thank specially to Website used without permission because one of his photographs of the press conference of presentation of the pink ball. Read the full story at:

Monday, October 8, 2007 .game


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The Last Saturday I found a site that I liked. It's "Volcano Island" and is located at: This site
addition to commercial and rigor disc has its greatest appeal when the largest number of prims used served to create an impressive active volcano that gives the island a very simlar to those that exist in the archipelagos Pacific Ocean.
Best of all is that there is the option to climb the volcano, an activity that had no opportunity to perform in all my time in SL.
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The journey is quite long but very fun to see your avatar scale every inch as if they were doing in real life without the dangers and fatigue that the activity involves because as I said before, the volcano is active at all times spits lava balls in SL are completely harmless.

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The funny thing is that to reach the top the fun does not end because there is a plateau where there is a delta-wing glider that can be addressed to fly around the island, which in fascinated me.
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And the escalation had been long but was worth it, I took my time on the plateau of the glider to pose for a photo shoot he did not give me enough time to do it and assume my sporty look pasadita the clothes they bought at the store rcién which I take my Fer friend and I loved it although I love the sport RL in SL had not had the opportunity to have some pants to wear my best tennis in this extreme experience.

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finally found the most agile to upload photos to my blog thanks to photobucket, all this time doing things the hard way!, And last take the opportunity to change the look to the blog, and that the other had already boring and we are in fall and needed a change of appearance =).

Friday, October 5, 2007

Ergonomic And Anthropometric Coffee Table

After an absence caused inter alia by RL examinations and walk in the exhibitions of the Universal Forum of Cultures, finally returned to this second life, just to start in October with the right foot and give back some life to this blog.

The night of Thursday October 4 last night became a very successful event "Juebebes" organized by the folks at Mexcity. Unlike other sims, this place have chosen to go slowly dosing the entertainment of the island and have begun to do only 1 party a week and have been chosen precisely because they were held on Thursday the biggest day of probability of attendance (those who work or study you may not even have a chance to go out in RL as in a weekend even though I may at weekends) in addition to the event schedule begins in a more than adequate for a weekday it starts at 7:30 pm the dance hall. While still early testing with the music to establish their view channel exclusive streaming audio and therefore even begin with some technical flaws, little by little they are polished and the music program with which the environment encourages of Mexcity is totally different from what you hear in other places around Second Life, it is a purely Mexican program (for all sims of all countries can play rock or Punchis Punchis " as all sides begin to sound the same) and there were times where I felt flat in the" Far West "(for those who are in Monterrey or know my ranch, you know what I mean) by I chose what to get my hat to dance to the rhythm of groups like the " Arrolladora Banda El Limon ", "Untouchable" or "Duel" among others, but the circulation of people Mexcity is to explore all the rhythms enjoyed in our country to please everyone and avoid the defect has been present in all sims: all hear exactly the same. Needless to say that I enjoyed a lot and had a lot of non- give flight to the strand at a party in SL. For now the "Juebebes" have already positioned as one of the most anticipated events in the week for all Mexicans in SL as well as find lots of friendly people with good rhythm and dance have the opportunity to have fun and win with the " Pirinola ", which has become the feel for the enormous amount of lindens dealing in each game turn, besides being totally Mexican design from the same script that gives life because unlike other sploders, the Pirinola only allows you to pay a single "ticket" L $ 5 per shift and if you want to bet on more occasions will automatically return your money, and that fairly high amounts distributed among all players (usually always two digits).


But if this is finally the Latin American market has reached a very acceptable option to buy Linden dollars to spend or invest in the game without having to obtain a premium account or owning a credit card .

The Tuixén 100% Mexican company is about to launch its new service Linden purchase via SMS text messages via cell phone, much like some services already operating in Europe. In the next entry in this blog will have more information regarding this service to be officially released as of October 10 of this and have an exclusive interview with the director general of Tuixén, Romme Abramovic, who kindly took care for this servant to send me information on this project make it known to scoop, to give us more details of how it will work, in which countries will be available and the cost will be handled, but now they advance to be available in the United States, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina and Mexico and can obviously be used with most cell phone companies of these countries and the best sims in America. Stay tuned.
