Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Having Leather Book Engraved

Governor Indigenous peoples: "We are 3 million voters who nobody wants to have against"

Daniel Segovia, president of the National Indigenous Council, hoped that the national government "will meet his word "to support a Historical Reparation Act for the native peoples, while recognizing that" the issue is settled because it is election year. " He said that work on the quota and Indian voters. He stated that it is time to "take the fight to be in politics, and not enough gear."

With more than 400 conflicts around the country and a stronger organizational structure that years ago, indigenous organizations have for the first time the expectation to take their complaints to Congress. "Even without the support of the right and the benches in the field, we have a consensus of 150 members and we will reach two-thirds Law "predicted Segovia.

Why is it so important for you to Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization to be debated in Congress?

Because it is the foundation of the legal pyramid to international conventions on indigenous peoples have the range that we require. His punishment requires two-thirds of the House. That would have greater legal weight.

The agreement is declaratory. What would change if enacted?

is true that it considered above law, but does not apply. Although a major international regulation, in Argentina has not yet submitted it to constitutional status. In particular, the people attribute to them a personality of public and non-state.

However, recently the Court of Neuquén used it in a ruling that benefited a community that was to be evicted.

course. When used as background, imagine how useful it would if it were law. Would have the opportunity to stop the evictions, argue otherwise, with specific rights for indigenous struggle throughout the country.

The project has been over two years drawer ...

will be treated in session, no doubt. Deputies had a surprise. Beyond that there is opposition to these issues and there are benches that represent the right and the field, received the support of the ruling. We thought it would not be so, but the government of Cristina Kirchner opened the doors to begin to discuss in a participatory manner.

What Members talk? We talked with

Agustín Rossi, Teresa Garcia, Diana Conti, Carlos Kunkel et al. However, there are other parties also agree, as the Civic Coalition by Elsa "Tata" Quiroz, Elisa Carrio. Reach two thirds, we have a consensus of 150 votes.

Silvia Congresswoman Vazquez colleagues faced some political space to support the claims of indigenous peoples.

If Vazquez is a fighter for indigenous peoples. It gave us a huge hand, although not indigenous. We are very grateful, she does not seek political mileage. Some of his colleagues tried kirchnerismo the traitor and he endured.

who chairs the Committee on Population, Rep. Rosa Chiquichano, claims to represent indigenous peoples.

Yes, says he tehuelche, but is the only one in the last three years the commission did not call for specific matters. Responds to a domestic game and peaks in the Front for Victory, but gave no sign of being consistent with his statements. Unless the person is helped.

A committee that turned the Bill Historical Reparation. What change in particular with its sanction?

would serve to combat the foreign ownership of land in favor of collective ownership and community. Any law before a constitutional amendment as the 1994 can not regulate. So the existence of indigenous peoples is not regulated. So we need a repair history.

You mean that you ask for 23,052 law repeal is unconstitutional?

course. Does not exist for indigenous peoples a right of participation as is he rest of society. They are very basic legal concepts that I believe the Government has understood.

understands why only now?

Until some time ago this government was more of the same, but not now. This year the President's speech began regular sessions promising historical repair and treatment on foreign ownership of land. The Government will meet its word and its members will too.

What needs to see that we are in an election year?

much, surely. We managed to install the theme so this year we have a huge impact, we must seize. We are almost 3 million voters who nobody wants to be against. This is a topic that once it enters the camera hardly receive negative feedback, because that would bring a discontent with society. It is a claim very sincere and hard to distort.

Why are not yet members of their own?

Because we had never before organized, never came to Congress. For this fight and do not reach the marches or public hearings. This has to be dealt with where policy is made, and that is something that communities had never understood as now.

So parliamentary representation of indigenous peoples will be one of the cornerstones for the next election.

course, is the fundamental bid. We created the first political party in Jujuy. Already got two councilors. Participate in different elections: Chacho, Neuquén, Catamarca, Tucumán. Fight for the vacancy and the Indian vote.

Why not go with the PVL, which is the ruling party and showed interest in the Indian quota?

Because we can not tie a game. Already been tried in other historical moments and always co-opted. We have representation by all parties and all possible charges.

Is that what happened to Chiquichano?

She went by the PVL, but never showed its origins to the indigenous population tehuelches. His performance as president of the Population Commission casts doubt us.


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