Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sudden Motion Sickness With Heights

"Monasterio de las Huelgas"

I'm glad to see that I'm nearing the end of embroidery Monasterio de las Huelgas. After the next login, you will listen Castle fireworks I am preparing. hahaha. Jokes aside, for the next, I'll show you the picture completely finished. Now I have to save to put the context it deserves. Phew!
I bring this mime from "The Village Country " and share it with you always visit my blog. My friend Cristina says: This is my gift for tod @ s in tribute to the friendship grow. A kiss for you, Cris.

Boob Neighbour Sleeping

Happy Mother's Day! Advances

On Friday, just arrived from school, my son gave me the gift of Mother's Day. The poor could not contain the excitement and said he would wait until Sunday to teach me what I had prepared for me .. hehehehe. Inside that yellow packet is a piece of homemade soap is made by some grandmothers of children at his school. After giving me lots of kisses and repeated several times "I love you mom," also gave me the diplomilla that touched me very much, and which reads:

Dedicated to: Rosana

Because it whenever you need ,
and teach by example what is the effort and work.
For worry when I get sick, and talk to me about whatever,
for understanding in some other circumstances,
For your love and good times that always give me,
Today I give you this diploma
As well as you ...


TE Want
I wish Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Adult Film Actress For Hire

"Monasterio de las Huelgas"

@ s Hi friend How are you? Well, I spent every Easter at the beach (Salobreña) without Internet and only with my embroidery, specifically the "eternal" Monastery. As you can see, has a long way. hahaha. I need very little to finish completely.
here ... a little more. I look forward to seeing framed. A kiss to everyone sl @ s that you visit me.

Recall Letter For Periodontal Practice


Thank you for this beautiful gift ... my friends "bloggers" and Lili Claudiana
This gave me another gift Lili. Thanks friend ... you love. Kisses to all.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Remove Formaldehyde


Bonfatti said the government will continue with the restoration of land to communities. He also announced that in a month will begin to build homes in the northern province.

Antonio Bonfatti said the government will continue with the restoration of land to communities and announced the construction of houses in different parts of the northern provinces. "No one can speak of a country without acknowledging its first settlers," said Minister of Government and State Reform.

The provincial official yesterday headed the event to commemorate Aboriginal Day, or Indigenous Peoples ", held at the Civic Center in Region 1, in the city of Reconquista.

On the occasion, Bonfatti announced that "in a month will begin to build houses" for different communities in the northern province, in addition to those already implemented in San Javier and Helvetia.

Moreover, invited "all Aboriginal communities to nominate three representatives to that of this triad, the governor (Hermes Binner) can appoint who will chair the Provincial Institute of Aboriginal Santa Fe (Ipas), as in a few days convene a meeting of that body. " Bonfatti

also stressed that "at this time we restored land and continue doing we have also completed the Provincial Register of Aboriginal communities and we are conducting a regional survey of populations. "

The activity was also the presence of the local mayor, Jacinto Speranza, the provincial director of Native Peoples, Raul Brito, Senator department, Federico Pezz, Rufino Vazquez, coordinator of the Provincial Aboriginal Santa Fe Institute (Ipas) in Region 1, the bilingual school teacher Field, 94, Hector mical, Mocoví community, among others.

With regard to housing Reconquista, Bonfatti explained that will be built "on the spot 26 La Lola, 14 Naimik community of Reconquista and we are in the final steps to initiate a plan of 40 housing units for Los Laureles.

other hand, said, "and works are underway in San Javier, Helvetia, and within a month will start with 13 in Bern and 13 of El Palmar, as well as in other municipalities and communes where they are to build homes. " Allotment of land

On the other hand, the government awarded land to the Community Recreation and Helvecia French colony, and are being awarded to communities of Las Lomas, Florence, Cayastá, Monte Vera and Murphy. Finally, there is land in the process of titling for communities Calchaquí, Tan and Pineiro.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Black Skin Tag On Dogs Lip


Sunday afternoon was held in San Lorenzo, a tribute to the indigenous people, other Aboriginal communities, Toba and Mapuche came from afar to show their culture.

After heavy rain the morning of Sunday, the event had been discontinued, but around 11 am, the sun reappeared to finish the weekend with a warm day. Culture organized by San Lorenzo, began to set the stage, so that about 3 pm, began the tribute. Because of the rains, the problems continued, this time was standing water on the premises of the Tourist Inn, but nothing could prevent the event will take place, the stage turned around and everything started normally. "We had several problems with the climate and this is a very important celebration for us, which could not be moved to another place," said the representative of the Secretariat for Culture, Alejandra Trujillo. "We suspended the event several times. But when combined with the natives already here, decided to do it, "he added. The event started around 3 pm, where a representative of each culture presented and expressed their dances and traditions. Gradually, people sanlorencina came closer to the place where you put together a dance in the street, where everyone who participated was near. Eleven News spoke with a representative of the Mapuche culture, who told us some of their traditions: "I grew up with the descendants of Namuncurá, which is a compound name, like all the Mapuche. Mapuche means "people of the earth." We brought different elements like the yarn. The same is done by our artisans to which we call "old" is all done in wool, natural dyed, there is nothing here aniline "he said. As exposure its culture, its elements and said: "It is my pride, because our people and feel represented. A little without emotion, all the people behind me who are suffering, but this is to show a little of our idiosyncrasies "

Friday, April 15, 2011

Como Fotos En Power Point

To my mom - Bent Creek.

In record time, I embroidered this little detail to my mom, because I do not remember that your day is 1 Sunday May I frame it before I go on holiday of Easter. So it was in less than 48 hours .... ufff ..... I wish you a happy weekend. And that you have a Holy Week most enjoyable.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How Did Sile Seoige Lose Her Weight

Tribute to Argentina: Jujuy Indian whistleblowers

originating Authorities and members of Aboriginal communities in the province of Jujuy, recently reported that the Governor of the province, Dr. Walter Basilio Barrionuevo lie concluded by saying that the work of Adjustment Program and the Land Adjudication.

They and the Commission of Indigenous Participation and Council of Indigenous Peoples Participation Kolla, Guaraní, Omaguaca, Atacama, Tilia and Ocloyas, added that the governor argues that gave indigenous participation in mining and environmental issue, which is also false. Over fifty

Aboriginal communities in this province have not yet received their titles, the Indians reported by press release.

addition, the government issued two decrees on the mining issue in an arbitrary, unilateral and without the participation consensual, free, prior and informed, as has the obligation to act.

For these reasons, the communities of the province Jujuy announced that Sovereign Assembly declared the Community, in order to define the legal and political actions to defend the enforcement of their rights.

also called on all its indigenous peoples and all Abya Yala to unite in their struggle.

Indians invited the provincial government to implement a dialogue to deal with communities, public policies that affect our territories and welfare.

On the other hand, asked the Legislature of the Province of Jujuy start impeachment of Dr. Sebastian Damiano "for engaging in discriminatory actions, xenophobic and racist or a total ignorance constitutional rights of indigenous peoples in Argentina. "

also called for the realization of permanent assemblies in all indigenous communities in the province.

The Indians made it clear that their struggle for land "is not a fad for today or for a few," but "constitutional law made with the blood of many of our grandparents, parents and siblings in every community, and recognition of international tribunals.

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Governor Indigenous peoples: "We are 3 million voters who nobody wants to have against"

Daniel Segovia, president of the National Indigenous Council, hoped that the national government "will meet his word "to support a Historical Reparation Act for the native peoples, while recognizing that" the issue is settled because it is election year. " He said that work on the quota and Indian voters. He stated that it is time to "take the fight to be in politics, and not enough gear."

With more than 400 conflicts around the country and a stronger organizational structure that years ago, indigenous organizations have for the first time the expectation to take their complaints to Congress. "Even without the support of the right and the benches in the field, we have a consensus of 150 members and we will reach two-thirds Law "predicted Segovia.

Why is it so important for you to Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization to be debated in Congress?

Because it is the foundation of the legal pyramid to international conventions on indigenous peoples have the range that we require. His punishment requires two-thirds of the House. That would have greater legal weight.

The agreement is declaratory. What would change if enacted?

is true that it considered above law, but does not apply. Although a major international regulation, in Argentina has not yet submitted it to constitutional status. In particular, the people attribute to them a personality of public and non-state.

However, recently the Court of Neuquén used it in a ruling that benefited a community that was to be evicted.

course. When used as background, imagine how useful it would if it were law. Would have the opportunity to stop the evictions, argue otherwise, with specific rights for indigenous struggle throughout the country.

The project has been over two years drawer ...

will be treated in session, no doubt. Deputies had a surprise. Beyond that there is opposition to these issues and there are benches that represent the right and the field, received the support of the ruling. We thought it would not be so, but the government of Cristina Kirchner opened the doors to begin to discuss in a participatory manner.

What Members talk? We talked with

Agustín Rossi, Teresa Garcia, Diana Conti, Carlos Kunkel et al. However, there are other parties also agree, as the Civic Coalition by Elsa "Tata" Quiroz, Elisa Carrio. Reach two thirds, we have a consensus of 150 votes.

Silvia Congresswoman Vazquez colleagues faced some political space to support the claims of indigenous peoples.

If Vazquez is a fighter for indigenous peoples. It gave us a huge hand, although not indigenous. We are very grateful, she does not seek political mileage. Some of his colleagues tried kirchnerismo the traitor and he endured.

who chairs the Committee on Population, Rep. Rosa Chiquichano, claims to represent indigenous peoples.

Yes, says he tehuelche, but is the only one in the last three years the commission did not call for specific matters. Responds to a domestic game and peaks in the Front for Victory, but gave no sign of being consistent with his statements. Unless the person is helped.

A committee that turned the Bill Historical Reparation. What change in particular with its sanction?

would serve to combat the foreign ownership of land in favor of collective ownership and community. Any law before a constitutional amendment as the 1994 can not regulate. So the existence of indigenous peoples is not regulated. So we need a repair history.

You mean that you ask for 23,052 law repeal is unconstitutional?

course. Does not exist for indigenous peoples a right of participation as is he rest of society. They are very basic legal concepts that I believe the Government has understood.

understands why only now?

Until some time ago this government was more of the same, but not now. This year the President's speech began regular sessions promising historical repair and treatment on foreign ownership of land. The Government will meet its word and its members will too.

What needs to see that we are in an election year?

much, surely. We managed to install the theme so this year we have a huge impact, we must seize. We are almost 3 million voters who nobody wants to be against. This is a topic that once it enters the camera hardly receive negative feedback, because that would bring a discontent with society. It is a claim very sincere and hard to distort.

Why are not yet members of their own?

Because we had never before organized, never came to Congress. For this fight and do not reach the marches or public hearings. This has to be dealt with where policy is made, and that is something that communities had never understood as now.

So parliamentary representation of indigenous peoples will be one of the cornerstones for the next election.

course, is the fundamental bid. We created the first political party in Jujuy. Already got two councilors. Participate in different elections: Chacho, Neuquén, Catamarca, Tucumán. Fight for the vacancy and the Indian vote.

Why not go with the PVL, which is the ruling party and showed interest in the Indian quota?

Because we can not tie a game. Already been tried in other historical moments and always co-opted. We have representation by all parties and all possible charges.

Is that what happened to Chiquichano?

She went by the PVL, but never showed its origins to the indigenous population tehuelches. His performance as president of the Population Commission casts doubt us.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Live View / - Axis 206w

Construct a complex bilingual education CFK

The president received the governor of Chaco, Aboriginal representatives and musicians León Gieco, Gustavo Santaolalla, Javier Calamaro, among others.

President Cristina Fernandez received yesterday at the Casa Rosada to Leon Gieco, Gustavo Santaolalla, Javier Calamaro, among other artists, and the governor of Chaco, Jorge Milton Capitanich, to announce the construction of an Intercultural Bilingual Education Complex Community Qom (Toba) in Pampa del Indio.

As pointed out the governor, the project Pampa del Indio contains the plan to build a school, intercultural and bilingual (language qom / Castilian), which will operate the School of Agricultural Family No. 185 (school agrotechnical), Baccalaureate Free Adult and Superior Technical Intercultural Nursing, under the Public Health School of Resistance. The project involves a site of 1600 m2, on two acres of land donated by a native community, where he taught classes for approximately 600 students. It will begin construction in two months with a completion date in May 2012.

Pampa del Indio, near the Pilcomayo River and Formosa, 50% of the 12 thousand people are tuff. It is estimated that the province is about 9000 Qom (as defined them in their language).

At a press conference, the singer Javier Calamaro explained that the project is not "only political but also cultural, because it has the support of singers, musicians, filmmakers pintoresy. Calamaro said "the idea is to include renowned artists to promote this project."

Gieco, meanwhile, gave credit of the move to Calamaro, and said that organized festivals in the Pampa del Indio and in Buenos Aires, and the idea is to make the song "Five centuries as" the largest number of artists as possible. "We want this to remain in the memory as well as an artistic event," he said.

Read the full story on the website of Argentine Time

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community received Qom Toba community project

is a project that is financed with funds derived from soybeans and the province of Chaco.

Buenos Aires. President Cristina Fernandez yesterday received members of the Fundación Solidarity, which was introduced the project for the construction of community schools for Qom (Toba). Cristina
received the details of the project in a hearing attended by the governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanich, Minister of Education, Alberto Sileoni, the education portfolio holder Chaco, Francisco Romero, and Public Works Minister, José López. In both artists Solidarity Foundation were Leon Gieco, Gustavo Santaolalla, Javier Calamaro, Milo Lokett and Javier Calamaro, among others.
later news conference, Gov. Capitanich explained that according to the draft presented to the President, the new school "will serve 600 students. Said it is a project of 8 million dollars, financed with funds derived from soy and provincial government. "
"is a joint effort that will be open on April 19, 2012," he added. Works

Meanwhile, the President toured yesterday the construction of the extension of the line "E" subway which comprises three new stations, at the junction of Plaza de Mayo and Retirement.
Accompanied by the three candidates of the election kirchnerismo Buenos Aires: the ministers of finance, Amado Boudou, and Labor, Carlos Tomada, plus the former education minister and current senator, Daniel Filmus, the Head of State visited the site of the section of tunnels that reached the first season, "Post Office" under the Avenida Leandro N. Alem.
addition, official sources reported that on the morning of yesterday, the President received at his office at the residence of Olives to the Secretary of Public Communication, Juan Manuel Abal Medina, but not revealed until the end of this year any information on the meeting .

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INADI Meeting between Jujuy and the National Council of Indigenous Women

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SS de Jujuy - Jujuy La Delegation to the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) in the person of Noro Germain provincial holder, participated in the activities of the Traveling Observatory National Council of Indigenous Women (CONAMI-ECMIARSUR). It was developed as part of the commemoration, on 19 April, the American Aboriginal Day.

Meeting this past weekend in the town of Villa Jardín de Reyes, was developed there CONAMI building workshops for indigenous peoples, referred mainly to defend their rights against any form of discrimination and racism, among other issues addressed .

For the occasion, attended the National Coordinator and with reference to the southern region Continental Liaison, Ms. Eva Gamboa, Dr. Mariel Bernal of CONAMI Jujuy, and Jorge Ramos on behalf of the people Kolla and Neighborhood Organization Tupac Amaru. In addition to other and other benchmarks of the provinces of Chaco, Formosa, Salta, Tucuman, Catamarca. Once belonging to indigenous peoples Wichí, Guarani Pilagá and Kolla. Germain

Noro, after approaching these greetings from the President and Vice President of INADI, Claudio Morgado and Maria Rachid, said: "The matrix of our work in the INADI is the National Plan against Discrimination, the adoption in due course by presidential decree No. 1086-1005 the government of Nestor Kirchner. " "On the basis of this document, he emphasized," has set the objectives of our work, both in the areas of indigenous peoples and gender, and where any aspect priority over the protection of Human Rights and Social Inclusion .

While CONAMI National Coordinator, Eva Gamboa said: "We were the first indigenous women's organization that was formed in Argentina, and we need our Charter of the Indigenous Peoples Declaration to be turned into national law"

As part Abya indigenous movement Ayala (Columbian expression used by native peoples to refer to the continent we live) the CONAMI has been established in Argentina in 1996, and integrate indigenous women's organization committed to defending the rights of indigenous peoples, affirming their identities as well as strengthening women in indigenous communities (www.conamiargentina.

Internationally, integrates an active International Network of Indigenous Women, on the premise of empowering and strengthening women from the peoples of the Argentinean territory.

According to the National Plan against Discrimination, the women of the peoples in our country are a constant and triple discrimination: as women, because Indians, and for being poor. They tend to be treated without discrimination in educational institutions, health or public administration. Besides suffering from violence within their homes and in public and private institutions. The police for example, often do not take away their allegations, which would aggravate the situation to the extent not generally have any legal advice, and ignore the fact, many of them not only their rights as citizens, but also and indigenous women.

also worth noting that among indigenous women, are the highest rates of illiteracy, maternal mortality and poverty. Even in some regions of Chaco, Formosa, Misiones and Salta, the women only speak their language and bilingual education are not stipulated in the regulations. Why many of them are undocumented, not thus accessing social plans that would apply to their social status.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

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This happened to me Sylvia seal the blog "Expresso Dakota" . Breast milk is the best food for babies during the first year of life. Studies show that children who are breastfed have fewer ear infections, respiratory tract infections and urinary tract infections than children who are fed formula. Babies fed with breast milk are less likely to develop obesity in childhood ... This is for anyone who wants to take it to casita.

Friday, April 8, 2011

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"Once upon a time ... an owl"

I finished my "Buhito." "Maybe too colorful? The truth is that I liked so much this little picture, I have not observed the progress on his blog suggested Raquel Maggie Co's Village. Speaking of her, I want to throw a glance at your new project .. Maggie Co's Village Shop, a store where there are wonders. Worth a visit. I wish you a happy weekend!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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Colombia: Indigenous peoples and the right to communicate Continental Summit of Indigenous Communicators Abya Yala. Communication is a right

Cauca, Colombia. Continental Summit of Indigenous Communicators Abya Yala, held in the ancestral lands of the Cauca, Colombia, contributed to place in a more visible the need to articulate and promote indigenous agenda in the specific field of communication. However, it takes much effort to strengthen processes, contract strategies and achieve better actual conditions for the exercise of this right. One of the key issues is to highlight the legitimacy of this law to require states to recognize it and issue policies to ensure their exercise.

The need to exercise the right to communicate

and indigenous peoples face significant challenges that they even threaten their existence and integrity. Against the aggressions that increase their vulnerability, the people, leaving them stronger and organized as a people to fight and defend themselves better and, in this process, grow as political subjects, national actors, capable of proposals not only for themselves but for the whole country.

Indigenous peoples need to point out a distinctive profile as subjects of law and build a comprehensive Indigenous Agenda, but not to move alone, but to win and attract allies to promote appropriate strategies which enable them to improve their resistance, struggle and determination .

For all this, the indigenous and intercultural communication is an unavoidable tool that organizations should not be left to chance or improvisation. Communication is as nervous tissue of a human body, which allows you not only feel and be aware but also to act and react to any stimulus or situation.

indigenous and intercultural communication is thus a key activity to strengthen indigenous organizations by enabling them to share useful information to make better decisions, facilitates the dialogue with non-indigenous society and can contribute positively to promoting inclusive public policies.

the other hand, communication is a right of peoples to be exercised within the framework of self-determination. Precisely this right has gained clarity, specificity and emergency with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which puts an article Own:

Article 16:

Indigenous peoples have the right to establish their own media in their own languages \u200b\u200band to access all the other non-indigenous media without discrimination.
States shall take effective measures to ensure that the media duly reflect indigenous cultural diversity. States, without prejudice to ensuring full freedom of expression, should encourage privately owned media to adequately reflect indigenous cultural diversity.

This statement is much broader than the brief mention that the communication has in the Convention No. 169 Indigenous Peoples of the International Labour Organization (ILO) where, in reference to the obligations of governments to understand their rights and obligations, states:

"2. To that end, must be used, if necessary, written translations and the use of mass media in the languages \u200b\u200bof these peoples "(Art. 30).

Public Policy for the proper means

recognition of communication rights of indigenous peoples is undoubtedly an important development that should form the basis for requiring states to adopt specific public policies make possible the exercise of this right.

In the sixth session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues United Nations, held in May 2007, Servindi requested, among other requests, "to promote communication as a fundamental cross-cutting issue for the development of indigenous peoples and promote treatment in an international seminar in a special way to that issue. " This order was reiterated at the seventh session of the Permanent Forum for Marcos Terena (Brazil), speaking on behalf of a group of indigenous organizations. A seminar at this level is still to be done, and would be useful to agree on criteria and standards implementation of the right to make a proper communication and compliance monitoring by the states.

An interesting debate about the right to communication is taking place in Mexico from a rebuke of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation by the lack of legislation to ensure that indigenous people hold, manage and operate their media; this right is protected by article 2 of the Constitution of the United Mexican States. The claim had an impact on the Indigenous Affairs Commission of the Chamber of Deputies organized a working group on Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Communicate, and also have been made to three national meetings of indigenous communications in recognition of communication rights is latent as part of social guarantees in the framework of the Reform.

Community radio and the radio spectrum

A hiding sensitive issue is the government doing the right of peoples and communities access to radio spectrum, which, despite being a common heritage, is almost entirely concession for private commercial interests. Some governments go so far as to unleash a fierce persecution and criminalization of communicators, and to provide for closure and seizure of community radios as in Mexico, Honduras, Chile, El Salvador and Colombia, among others.

An important contribution to public debate arose in the tenth meeting of the Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC 10) in which harshly questioned the repression and criminalization made by some governments against journalists and media community. In this regard, it is important to note the position expressed by Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, who criticized governments to "criminalize" community media.

"In many countries there is no communication category Community. There's only commercial communication "and" love is a terrible lack criminalizing the use of radio frequency when even the law recognizes alternatives to rural and indigenous communities, "stressed the rapporteur. "Having an unauthorized frequency can not be a crime," he said. La Rue defended the right to communicate and criticized the criminal penalties on broadcasters. In his view, the state has to regulate communications in an equitable manner that provides assurances to all stakeholders. On the contrary, "the unauthorized use of frequencies because the state did not regulate with principles of fairness and justice," he said.

positive regulation
The struggle for better conditions for the development of community radio got one of its best fruits in Uruguay with the enactment of the Community Broadcasting Act, adopted in December 2007 and has been hailed by AMARC and other international organizations such as freedom of expression, ARTICLE 19 and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) - as a benchmark for the region.

The above standard defines the radio spectrum as a "common heritage of humanity subject to the state government and, therefore, equitable access to frequencies of Uruguayan society as a whole is a general principle of his administration." In addition, reserves for community radio and other non-profit "at least one third of the radio spectrum for each location in all frequency bands used for analogue and digital and all forms of broadcast."

The digital agenda pending

While some governments, such as Peru, they boast of economic growth and modernity, and show an increase in cell phone lines as an indicator of development, many rural communities lack the most basic services basic. This inequality has increased with new information and communication technologies (ICTs) have opened a huge digital divide between so-called "info-poor" and "info-rich." It is not the case in this article address the validity of these concepts but to recognize that there is a huge demand for people with a proper access and effective ownership of not only new but also old ICT.

To call attention to this issue, in November 2005 ended the World Summit on the Information Society (CSMI), held in two phases: Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005. Thanks to the role and impact of civil society as a whole, the process and outcomes of WSIS brought with it a framework of agreements, commitments and recommendations favorable and beneficial for indigenous peoples and communities provided that they take hold of them.

WSIS implementation establishes the need for functional associations between various stakeholders and develop "national e-strategies as part of national development plans and strategies to reduce poverty."

Civil Society that participated in the Summit process placed particular emphasis on recognition require access to the Internet as a service of public interest that states must undertake to provide, in this sense, not enough solutions based solely on market and commercial use. To the extent that "the Internet systems, satellite, cable and broadcast systems all utilize political resources, such as the airwaves and orbital paths areas "should be given" in relation to the public interest as property through transparent regulatory frameworks and accountable to enable the equitable allocation of resources and infrastructure among a plurality of media including community media. "

It should be recalled that the indigenous movement was able to push so that indigenous and rural poor they had a specific reference in the summit documents. For example, the Declaration of Principles notes:

"We are resolute to empower the poor, especially those living in remote, rural and marginalized urban areas, to access information and use ICTs as tools to support their efforts to escape poverty."

also "in the evolution of the Information Society should pay particular attention to the special situation of indigenous peoples and the preservation of their heritage and cultural heritage" (DP, 15).
It is time to make a serious assessment of the compliance of states to help close the digital divide in culturally appropriate conditions for indigenous peoples who in turn must claim their own place in these areas and ensure that action plans in Geneva and Tunis have been implemented with their participation. Some countries have created funds to expand connectivity in rural areas that have run lightly, without indigenous participation and the results should be inventoried. Http://

Further information: Latin American

Analysis Communication

Colombia Indigenous people

Monday, April 4, 2011

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After the 3 rd delivery SAL - Sewing Machine Isangel proposed. I wish you a happy week.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Washing Machine Spin Cycle

Christmas Challenge - FINISHED.

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