Thursday, March 31, 2011

Samsung Lcd Bottom Cover

Christmas Challenge.

embroidery I finished this little picture of Christmas, but not quite ready. As you can see, I lack the contours which is what adorns any work. So ... until tomorrow to see if I do it and already sent him my friend Carmen. A kiss for you calling me and do not forget to leave a comment. Thanks!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Underwear For Wrestling Singlet

Rosario: Police enter a home and shoot lead bullets neighbors

In Rosario, police Santa Fe violently stopped a group of people entering homes and lead bullets. The patrol arrived in the western district of the city on a complaint of domestic violence and to the high operating several neighbors began filming with their cell phones. To try to kidnap those phones the police followed several people even in their homes, where they also beat men and women. Finally

7 people were arrested, at least two women, one pregnant. The victims were going to do today denounced the violent actions of the uniformed police Rosario, 14. One young detainee was handcuffed inside the police station, kneeling and underwear. Marisol

Frutos, the sister of two of the detainees told in dialogue with Free Air Community Radio that how the police entered his home and arrested them, "When my brother comes to cell down the hall, the police follow him, is 8 police put up the door to inside my house. They beat my brothers, and Marcelo Santos. " "I was under the dictatorship, I did not live. What my parents lived for 35 years and some of my brothers, but I could live in the flesh and feel it firsthand. Because we were all dead, "he told FARCO Information through Free Air Community Radio. "When I my house was my nephew in a corner of the room, the scare they had. A creature of two years alone, asking for the father. As in those times, "continued Maria Frutos, who confirmed that the police fired live ammunition into the house.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fever And Aching Legs In 3 Year Old


The picture I gave to my father for his day (March 19). Accustomed to only the women of my family pictures made by me win , it was for him a great surprise, I loved it. I ... Happy life to see the face of contentment.

Well ... it made my little nephew David when he was about 10 years old ... and gave him jealous to see her "Aunt Ro" embroidering. lol. For me it is a treasure. Look how nice!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What Room Did Did Nicole Smith Die In


I apologize to my friend Mari Carmen's blog My Work for failing to put the stamp in that has given me, in my previous entry. Thank you very much dear. A kiss for you.

Sims 1 изтегли

operating for filming Human Rights and Peoples 'Native' where do we go? Wife

For the researcher Juan José Rossi, the invader of the American continent for centuries imposed divisions that still hold with candor (even in the classroom) and the service of imperialism. Daniel
Tirso Fiorotto / Writing UNO

During the Congress of Human Rights developed this week by the Central de Trabajadores Argentinos -CTA-in Agmer union headquarters, with the presence of militants from various countries, the historian Juan Jose Rossi presented new looks around the native peoples of our America and it said to call a spirit of reflection, and even cause controversy.

For the scholar, author of fifteen books on American history and native cultures, the native-non native dichotomy is well incorporated into the system and "no more than a fine-and coarse strategy for those who want to see - cleverly orchestrated by the invaders to keep until today the total subjugation of mankind in the continent. "

"I think, at least to reflect together, which, with good will of individuals and organizations, both about how others look at the first line of trees and lose sight of the forest. But this awareness is not accidental but caused by invasive system, "says Rossi, and then shipped to the endless" paternalism "Western. Functional

the invader
"I think we are plunged into a struggle anecdotal cases and inadvertently, by the weight of the system (which certainly remains invasive), ignored, not only profound loss and supportive of the rights of the only species human history and is amassing its own philosophy of continent since the arrival of man until today, but are directly or indirectly to invasive functional continental humanity as such. What are more important than the internal cultural differences were always here and everywhere. Functional an invader with many faces that seeks to keep us busy in discussing who has more or fewer rights, who are natives or immigrants, invaders who and who not, whether Catholics, Protestants or Jews ... as from a foreign power episteme and a very experienced and renewed strategies to keep us 'colonized' and subjected epistemological, cultural and economically to all alike. "

From a look that is not intended to generate immediate changes but profound reflections on the notions we have about American philosophy, Rossi insists, "the invader, now replicated in their ivory towers Western (call IMF, Paris Club, community EU, World Bank, Vatican, etc.) tries to divide history into two, into before and after, to make clear that they always or plant inaugurated true humanity, civilization and history of the continent thus appropriate it without scruple, false philosophical grounds. But the reality is different, although we are not aware of it. Indeed, the continent had only one type of man, a philosophy and a history that does not belong to any particular group but to all emerging from this earth. " Homo sapiens

cultural differences exist, there are different cultures in America, but should not be used to divide humanity that is local, says Rossi. This confusion serves the invader, he says, and deplores the paternalism and discrimination issue in general to the cultures of indigenous peoples as foreign to the rest, from the moment they are named different, and unrelated to the story.

be difficult and risky a critique of the short essay by Rossi when not read in full the analysis of 20 pages that drafted especially for the Congress this week.

But worth a few paragraphs highlighted here to point out that there is this new look, the researcher is introducing new tools for analysis, and without forgetting that this interpretation comes from one of the most notable scholars present, in addition to university lecturer on American history is Director of the Museum of Concepción del Uruguay Yuchán and Ivy Chajarí mara ey.

For those who do not know: Juan José Rossi is the author of the plays "The Mask of America. The curved shaft of our history, "" America the big mistake of the official story, "" Amores killing five centuries, "" Arts and crafts indigenous to Argentina, "

" native names for our children "," The Charruas "," The wichi "" The chiriguano Chane, "" The Yamana "," Permanence of our Hispanic culture, and their contributions prompted a review of knowledge about American history.

So, while displaying prejudice and European interests disparaging to American cultures, now argues that native-born Americans are heirs to a philosophy U.S. may show a continuity beyond the cultural differences that can be seen here and elsewhere.

"The classic relationship that sets the global partnership between the words Designating ('peoples', 'Indians', etc..) And the appointees is not legitimate from the historical and philosophical-anthropological" says Rossi. Moreover, it is a misinterpretation of reality based on several fallacies continental false continental keep humanity in a status quo of abject dependency. In this regard, our discussion will try dish because understand how the 'science' paradoxically has distorted the historical evolution and the axis of local human process. Which obnubila our eyes on the Rights incumbent upon us, not because this or that culture, either by sector or have been born before or after, but by the mere fact of being of the species Homo sapiens. "

Rossi leads the title from the title of his short essay, "Human Rights and Peoples' Native. Where do we go? Deconstruct the dichotomy imposed by the invaders on the continent and maintained by the current political and educational systems. "

"I understand that changes are needed 'revolutionary', not in the sense sociopolitical apply some philosophers 'Western' that continue to be Eurocentric and colonialist, but to re-back, turn the eye to ourselves. Do not look at our history 'from' Europe over here from 1492 (with its episteme, structures and institutions that have been proposed as legitimate local ring to rule them and profit), but 'plug' in the reality and thought ancient land American and, in our case, Argentine, that is, from where came the first human group to the mainland and our land, for thousands of years, rolled out the fascinating process of local culture and history to the present " says the researcher.

More questions for reflection

Rossi says: "What philosophy of life we \u200b\u200bhave, what history or what would be behind us who have been born here but we do not consider nor Indian, nor an immigrant, or gringo? Would we be outcasts, a third human, 'mixed race'? Or, perhaps, belonging to a group of miserable Europeans invented scale to make clear that they were above all born here before and after its eruption quite casual and not intended? Maybe someone is considered 'mestizo' (ie, result of the merger between English e 'india'), castizo (mestizo and English), mulatto (English and 'black'), Moor (mulatto and English), saltaatrás (China and India), wolf (from saltaatrás and mulatto), Gibbar ( Wolf and China), albarazado (of Gibbar and mulatto), calpamulato (of sambaigo and wolf), tenteenelaire (of calpamulato and cambujo) noteendiendo (of tenteenelaire and mulatto) or tornatrás (noteendiendo fruit and India)? Note that in the view of the invader was not father a child 'from' English and India but 'on' or 'with' India or Africa as a mere receptacle. "

emerging millennial peoples
Professor Rossi suggests another approach to the real axis of our history in which invasion 'only' is inserted as traumatic incident but surmountable. Momentarily triumphant invasion admits, by military force, the power of money and oriental cross. " Vale
reiterate the words: "to surpass," momentarily. "

He ends his essay: "View from the complicated problems of survival and against international centers of military, political, economic and religious pressure through its influential media, the proposal may seem utopian, theoretical or romantic. Means that, in its way, manipulate the thinking and style of life ... leading us subtly virulent consumerism as an ideal of human happiness. It is difficult to deal with this social phenomenon, the transnational economic power and the overwhelming advance of the captivating technology tends to shift the regional humanistic values \u200b\u200bas inalienable. But worth a try ... So I think we seriously starting to rediscover and experience our right vertebral about our ancient heritage and the emerging nations in the long road and go to local humanity. "

During the brief discussion offered in Human Rights Congress, Rossi put more emphasis on the questions of his reflection in any conclusions. Some of them: "What would be the misnamed 'immigrants' and their biological offspring born in this continent? "Europe? "Immigrants as opposed to 'Indians'? "Youths, gauchos, criollos? Or all of us 'natives' of this land, that is, 'born or' adopted 'here', with the rights and obligations that this reality has on the inhabitants of all time, region or town? Are there two types of American humanities DD generate different? Did or is there really a 'them' and 'us' from the progressive Western invasion? Are there any 'Indian' and 'non-Indians', 'original' and 'non-native', 'invaders' and 'invaded', 'immigrants' and 'others' with regard to ownership and commitment to this land, philosophy and human rights? Any substantial difference for the mere fact of carrying foreign surname or being supposedly descended from one born in Europe, Asia, Africa or Oceania, whose ancestry, more or less distant, ignored and ultimately irrelevant search based the commitment of this group of continental?

A philosophy that points away

These paragraphs verbatim Juan José Rossi emphasize the common philosophy of the peoples of America, beyond its diverse cultures and the contempt with which he looked at her and looks at the Western.

says, verbatim: "Respect for each other and the modus vivendi and the earth, the kind of supportive social fabric, the ayllu or Ming, among other symptoms, did not arise by chance or savagery ... The vision of itself universe based foundation and lifestyle, social structures and ties people to each other and with components of nature 'One' which is man. Our continent was ancient and has its own lifestyle and genuine philosophy, not anecdotally known or taken by the system (such as world views and native mythology), is absent or without legitimate power. "

"One of the best known Manifest-Christian West and in America, perhaps in the world" is precisely the content of a letter sent in 1855 Chief Seattle to President Franklin Pierce who proposed "to calm and then subjected to Western thought of private property, 'buy' the land from the native inhabitants Suwamish Current U.S. Northwest As the chief issued any response to be transcribed in English because the president was unaware Suwamish language, the memorable letter in which he argued strongly and peacefully against the colonialist project, which was finally implemented. A perfect synthesis of philosophical and practical content is found in a paragraph that, in turn, express both the Native American thinking and their daily attitudes that ensured the balance of the environment: 'The earth does not belong to man; but that man belongs to the earth '. "

"Chief Seattle, a resident who lived on the continent and fought ('apparently' unsuccessful) before us, reflected: "We know that the white man-a term that refers to skin color but to the philosophy and behavior of these British invaders are, Dutch, Indian, Egyptian Tunisian-or do not understand our ways. Gives the same piece of land than another, because it is a stranger who comes at night to get what you need. He treats his mother the earth, and his brother, the universe, as things you can buy, loot and sell, as if they were beads. His insatiable appetite will devour the earth and leave behind only a desert '. "

"This is the fundamental right of all, the underlying why? because it arises from a philosophy of this ancient land where we were born or have been adopted, of a philosophy continental concocted by mankind, not just for some who seek to appropriate its wealth and strength with exclusivity. "

"The American philosophy points away from Rossi insists, without excessive and pompous speeches and treatises on philosophy and politics, ie it aims to organize existing all-points-with a personal vision that excludes no one even when generating significant differences in political practice. Why are not equal the system of the Incas and the Guarani, the diaguitas the charrúas and that of the Mapuche and we must think of us. All on the same philosophical base that identifies us as true sons of this land and the invader does not hopeless. "

Friday, March 18, 2011

Welcome Note For Beauty Parlour

Christmas Challenge - Advance

my dear boys .. Another success of the Christmas challenge. I have taken this job after having received an email from a visitor to my blog. To my surprise she asked me to sell him this cute Christmas picture .. I say "surprise" because it is the first time I sell my work and has filled me with satisfaction. So I've put the turbo to the needle and I want to finish as soon as possible. This entry I dedicate to you .. Carmen!

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Long Can You Have Melanoma Without Knowing It

Christmas Challenge - ROSANGELICA.

This is the end result of our campionísima ROSANGELICA Christmas in defiance of my community, "Quadros em Ponto de Cruz" at the site of relations in ORKUT . It has been wonderful. Congratulations friends!

Where Can I Get Midrin


I started to embroider my Buhito SAL, Maggi Co's Village. Is not it beautiful? I love that face.
The colors of the leaves are not the same as shown in the chart. I wanted a little more colorful.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Co To Są Klucze Aktywacji Pinnacle Tv


Why are you crying mom? a little boy asked his mother. Because I am a woman, she replied. But, I do not understand! said the boy. His mother leaned toward him and holding him said: ... And I never understand my love. Later the little boy asked his father, why mommy cries sometimes for no reason? All women cry for no reason provided. ... Was all that the father could answer.
The little boy grew up and became a grown man, still wondering Why was it that women cry for no reason? One day the boy become a man knelt and asked God: God ... Why do women cry so easily? And God said ...
When I asked the woman had to create something special. I made her shoulders strong enough, to carry the weight of the world and just; while soft enough for comfort! I gave him an immense inner strength so that he could endure childbirth and also to the rejection that often comes from their own children!
I gave him the strength that allows you to move forward, taking care of his family, without complaint, despite illness and fatigue, even when others give up! I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any circumstances, even when these children find it hurt a lot ... The same sensitivity that makes any sadness, crying or pain of the child disappears and makes you share the anxieties, doubts and fears of adolescence!
I gave enough strength so that he could forgive her husband for his faults, and the molding of one of his ribs so that she could take care of your heart! I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurt his wife, and sometimes I put tests to measure their strength and determination to keep his side in spite of everything!
But Son ... to withstand anything. I gave her tears and it is only for use when needed, to pour them a little love poured into each, which vanishes in the air and save humanity! Thank God for having created woman ... now I understand the feeling of my mother, sister, wife. ... Said the man with a heavy sigh on her lips. (Do not know the author)

Congratulations to us women!

Amparo A gift for me and all women. Thanks friends!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hinari Lifestyle Pink

qom leader Felix Diaz Amanda Asijak was distinguished by the senate of the nation as a prominent woman

During a ceremony presided over by Vice President of Argentina, Julio Cobos on Thursday in Hall Annex Manuel Belgrano the Argentine Senate, the leader toba Asijak Amanda, wife of the leader of Qom Spring Felix Diaz received "Honorable Mention Senator Domingo F. Sarmiento. "

On that occasion also was awarded attorney Florentina Gómez Miranda with a special honorable mention, because it has already received Sarmiento Prize for "his outstanding work in the struggle for women's rights, among others, the judge of the Carmen Argibay Supreme Court, and the governor of Tierra del Fuego, Fabiana Ríos.

were also awarded the social leader Margarita Barrientos, Senator Amanda

Felix Díaz, María Cristina Perceval met, Susana Trimarco, a renowned fighter against human trafficking, the academic Nosiglia Catalina, the leader toba Amanda Asijak; scientist Sara Rietti; Deborah Pontecorvo's military pilot, the writer and researcher Cristina Piña, the swimmer Harriet Duarte Vilar Lis Mara, who is an innovator in the use of new technologies, Maria Elena Delgado, who is the mother of "the missing girl, Sofia Herrera and hockey player Ayelén Stepnik, Aymar former partner in the national team.

According to a statement, "the Senate's Office has defined, multidisciplinary approach, federal and non-partisan, distinguished women who are role models, dedication and perseverance for our generation and future, and example and incentive to consolidate his steps, for young women of our country and the world. "

Friday, March 4, 2011

Microsoft Sidewinder Driver

2011 Argentina: Salta ordered Nation Judges define indigenous territories in 90 days

By Raul Reynoso

The Federal Court of Appeal of the Province of Salta, in a ruling unprecedented in the federal courts of our country, gave rise to an appeal filed by indigenous communities The Transfer, The Written and Zopota, through his lawyer Matias Duarte, and condemned the Federal Government to immediately begin the demarcation and delimitation of the traditional territory occupied by the communities according to the customs and cultural norms recognized as setting 90 business days deadline to complete the task.

El Nuevo Diario de Salta, March 4, 2011 .- Communities were forced to start this trial in 2006, due to abuse suffered on their traditional territory, a situation that worsened as a result of the adoption of new clearing authorizations granted by the provincial government in 2007 "and the indifference of state to recognize their rights to land, "he said in a statement.

The clearing authorized at that time began to run in the following years, cleared about 10 hectares on their traditional lands since 2006 to date.

This, it said, led to a roundup of the communities, a situation that persists and affects access to resources and water sources for the subsistence base. It added that "since the beginning of the trial have triggered local conflicts and community leaders have been subject to multiple criminal charges by the registration holders of the land on which now they have been accorded his constitutional rights.

Complaints have sought to deter the leaders of the struggle in defense of its territory, leading to the criminalization of community leaders. " The cause

The case began before the federal judge in Oran, Raul Reynoso, requested the demarcation, demarcation and titling of land. Judge rejected the demand and the Federal Court of Appeals reversed the ruling, making room for the claim of demarcation and delimitation. However, he refused the title which, it is reported, will be subject to review by the Supreme Court's Office.

Federal Chamber said there are various laws that "provide protection for indigenous communities on issues pertaining to possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy."

Given the evidence presented also held that it is verified "status of the actors as existing communities, the traditional occupation and current land they have been installed, and the close relationship they have with them and natural resources, a link that leads to their identity and culture. (...). In the same way (...) is referred to the clearing made in the area covered and residence of the serious damage that these practices involve. "

Finally, Salta judges argued that "in terms of the legal provisions cited the plaintiffs (communities), are being holders of rights to the identification and regularization of the extensions that occupy ... and that the Federal Government, under emerges from the records of the proceedings, so far has failed to materialize those rights, bringing with it a disservice to the community actors. "
Other news:

Argentina: Malnutrition and death of indigenous children in Salta