Monday, May 23, 2011

Monster Distruibtion Center

Sunday at the Granada Alpujarra.

Sunday, after voting went to the Alpujarras. I love it!
Pampaneira ... "mandatory" break to stretch your legs and drink water.
Paco and me (on the right, lol) with that "pretty" nice ..
craft shops
Lunch was at "Meson Joaquin", as he always got on Trevélez . There are delicious hams there.
Alpujarreño We dish.
alpujarreñas Migas, to me.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ipod Spiel Know How Level 28

1 º Avance - Alma Lynne HAED

Tod @ s know I'm well ... I like to start 2 or 3 squares at a time, to avoid boredom. hahaha. One afternoon, looking at my graphics on my PC, Matilda gave me some sympathy and wondered: Why not? The truth is that attracts me to embroider things not see on the Internet. There are some things that I do not like at all at this table, and will change and I will be showing progress.
original photo

Constnt Mucous And Phlem

2 º Avance - Elephant.

I am slowly progressing with my elephant. These HAED's are very laborious.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Blue Print Dinning Table

Your blog has the word verification?

For you who have doubts to remove the word verification ..

What you have to do is go to:
- COMMENTS (tab).
- SETTINGS (tab).
- COMMENTS (Iten).
- Down ....
"Show word verification for comments? Check the option
- Below "click" on ... SAVE SETTING (square of orange).
YaST, you take off that thing so annoying and leave you far more comments. Thank
Have a nice week.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Instant Kundli With Predictions

We ask for a favor.

In this post I ask a favor .
I love to comment on your blogs, but most of them I encounter the word verification. That is my request: Brand • NO to "Show word verification for comments? It's annoying, you lose a lot of time having to type the word shown. Also, sometimes I'm wrong about a letter and comes back a new word that can be long and inconsistent. I am very angry!
thingy. Thank you to everyone sl @ s who are followers of my blog and leave me loving comments, but I get a little "sad" when these people have blogs and I do not leave their emails for answers. So also I ask for your emails letting me PLEASE. Thank you!

Gifts For Someone In The Hospital Stroke

3 and 4 objectives of SAL "sewing machine."

@ s do not know about you, but I could not do anything yesterday in my blog. It seems that there a "mistake" in blogger. Anyway ... Today I met taught my 3 and 4 objectives of SAL "sewing machine" coordinated by Isangel . I tell you another thing, is that I usually start my work at the center, in this SAL started on the left side, did not calculate well and now I will be very Justito on the right. I am in doubt whether to keep or remove the left column ... Oh ... By God! lol. Well, I wish you a happy tod @ s weekend.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bleeding With Thigh Pain

"Monasterio de las Huelgas" FINISHED!

I finished embroidering the Monastery of Las Huelgas. Y. .. Look who came to celebrate with me ... Minnie. hahaha. It is the chance it deserves.
Reverse. Not perfect, but not bad. I still have much to learn.
Now ... Hear the sound of fireworks that brought Minnie. hahaha ..

Thursday, May 5, 2011

How You Know If Scorpio Guy Likes You


submit to Paco, my husband. Is a professional upholstery. I say so and the number of customers who have corroborated. I tell you ... His mother one day went to buy some chairs at a furniture store and saw there working the tapestry of the people then. He said he had a child and asked if he could teach the trade. Agreed y. .. and e mpezó Paco, at age 13 of age as an apprentice. You see ... liked it so much that takes 33 years carpeting. This is called your company.
Below, some of his recent works. armchair child - "Before"
armchair child - "After"
bedroom armchair
Chair - "Before"
Chair - "After"

Sofá y butacas ya tapizados.

Os enseñaré más fotos de sus trabajos en las próximas entradas.

Free Zoophilia And Beastiality

mom framed. Advance

Hola.. Mirad como quedó (enmarcado) el cuadrito de Bent Creek que bordé para mi mamá. Un saludo para ti que me visita siempre. ¡Gracias!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sudden Motion Sickness With Heights

"Monasterio de las Huelgas"

I'm glad to see that I'm nearing the end of embroidery Monasterio de las Huelgas. After the next login, you will listen Castle fireworks I am preparing. hahaha. Jokes aside, for the next, I'll show you the picture completely finished. Now I have to save to put the context it deserves. Phew!
I bring this mime from "The Village Country " and share it with you always visit my blog. My friend Cristina says: This is my gift for tod @ s in tribute to the friendship grow. A kiss for you, Cris.

Boob Neighbour Sleeping

Happy Mother's Day! Advances

On Friday, just arrived from school, my son gave me the gift of Mother's Day. The poor could not contain the excitement and said he would wait until Sunday to teach me what I had prepared for me .. hehehehe. Inside that yellow packet is a piece of homemade soap is made by some grandmothers of children at his school. After giving me lots of kisses and repeated several times "I love you mom," also gave me the diplomilla that touched me very much, and which reads:

Dedicated to: Rosana

Because it whenever you need ,
and teach by example what is the effort and work.
For worry when I get sick, and talk to me about whatever,
for understanding in some other circumstances,
For your love and good times that always give me,
Today I give you this diploma
As well as you ...


TE Want
I wish Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Adult Film Actress For Hire

"Monasterio de las Huelgas"

@ s Hi friend How are you? Well, I spent every Easter at the beach (Salobreña) without Internet and only with my embroidery, specifically the "eternal" Monastery. As you can see, has a long way. hahaha. I need very little to finish completely.
here ... a little more. I look forward to seeing framed. A kiss to everyone sl @ s that you visit me.