Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Peteborough Ontario Lesbian

a funny video ...

has been grueling week of exams in RL, but today I got the link of this video I share with you ... you know I'm a fan of Mario games but if you're not going to have fun ... failing to enter SL, enjoy ... and St. Valentine ... after a while we talk =).

Friday, February 8, 2008

Welcome Message For A New Baby


Put the music play, will read at your reading my blog =)

full time I'm in exams so my mind is working harder than normal and again I had inspiration and I have the time to write this blog like old times ... now I just hope to continue having the patience to read me and if not ... better get out on Youtube =).

I have always appreciated the sims of Second Life that serve more than just buying or dance like crazy and the other night taking advantage of the renewal that I had my computer that I can run the software of a more fluid way I decided to visit a site that never finished watching -and this time I could not do it because he's really ENOOORME are 3 islands together at several levels who should have literally millions of prims ", I mean the International Spaceflight Museum.


This site is much bigger than the last time I visited and has the support of NASA (the site you're on the side of the island JPL already told you about months ago).

This time I concentrated on one of the most interactive and exciting you'll find in all SL: a journey through the solar system which is what I will tell you ... but first a brief introduction to why I like this site.

In RL my dad is super fan of everything related to space and grew up hearing all the time he was born the same day that Apollo 11 was flying to the moon ... only 13 years later ... when we went to Florida, our experience most fascinating was not in Disneyland but at the Kennedy Space Center (Cape Canaveral for the guys), especially because we had the opportunity to watch a live shuttle launch back in the early 90's.

One of the most treasured doll is "Barbie Astronaut "I gave my aunt's original late 60's and the best rides of summer were our trips to camp with their families to see the stars and planets through a telescope ...

The few times I have the chance to turn the sky (do not you have past that we are so busy with our daily lives that we turn up rarely in a lull?) I always wonder what will be walking into another world like the moon, see the stars and float around freely as as SL avatars can do ...


With this in mind I discovered with great satisfaction that in the ISM (International Spaceflight Musem) in SL you can ride on a rocket to literally reach the International Space Station and then go off for a ride through the universe.


The spacecraft selected for this tour (only the first part but highly interactive taking advantage of all the capabilities and limitations of SL) is a capsule "Gemini" which is mounted on a Titan II rocket which would separate the men released espaco to launch nuclear bombs to the Soviet Union (no, do not ask me how I know all that.) But space travel warrants be in the company of someone else ... and then I remembered someone said in his blog that he wanted to touch the stars, so I brought to me ... I Cimino Fernanda, a Reform party any day. We adorn our spacesuits and we climbed to the rocket ... the view from inside the view is very detailed, with buttons and controls pretty well built. The site is so well designed that step is giving you the explanation of how to take off the Titan and tells you to better experience the light settings in your SL at midnight and stuff ... And Takeoffs!.


Upon reaching Earth orbit our ship makes a move and is attached to the space platform from which we can contemplate in all its splendor our beautiful Earth.


begin our journey beginning to end on Pluto Mercury ... the experience of visiting the surface of Mars is really impressive ... if a few days ago came the news that one of the carts explorers had taken a picture of what looked like a woman sitting ... ERA YOOO! =).



Finally finished the solar system and the next step is to visit the nearest stars ... at about 4 light years from our sun ... and here is where Cimino was able to touch the stars ... WISH GRANTED.

days later I decided to continue touring the site as I was told that there was a place where I could realize my dream: walking on the moon.


I always wondered why it was never a woman to the moon. The answer is that to be an astronaut in the 60's was necessary to be a fighter pilot with experience ... and in the 60's there were no female fighter pilots ... as I write this, the space shuttle is passing over our heads with a woman in command how things change.

And yes ... I found the Moon. With all its Apollo Lunar Module landed on the lunar surface by the car and some of the experiments the astronauts deployed in our beloved Selene. If my daddy could see me piloting a lunar module on the moon or walking leaving footprints in the gray dust.


There is much to see in the ISM and surrounding sites, and you can learn a lot through the notecards and there are video screens that pass videos about space and even broadcast live on NASA TV when mission ferry (that's watching my dad now in its compu) ... so you know, if one of these days you get fed dances and plenty of fools who live it screaming "hooooo!" or roaring like cats as they create even more lag than there is by its very presence, take a tour of the ISM (searches search "Spaceport Alpha" or "Spaceport Bravo") ... also give you some nice goodies like a shirt (nothing special) or a model of a ship "Mercury" to put on your virtual desk ... oh, and I recommend you a turn for the planetarium ... exhibition on global warming really open your eyes and trust me, after that at least once a week will use the bus to get to work.

Well ... this is a relatively "short" space of my experiences in SL ... and then return to their old ways posting my photos showing off my poses and outfits through the poseball Marga ... but for a while I decided to tell a little more experience brain of those who liked both in times of more rating for this blog =).

And if I was struck by the moon much as I do, I recommend you see the miniseries "From the Earth to the Moon" produced by Tom Hanks for HBO (another of the "treasures" in the family video library) ... apart to be quite impressive and historically correct, is quite entertaining (it is a series TV, not a documentary) ... and if you're lucky and you get to make a film called "In the Shadow of The Moon" Check it out, I recommend it, the astronauts who landed on the moon and still live (almost incredible that they are 40 years and nobody has time back) will have its own voice that lived a little old ... reamente are quite tender, imagine your grandfather tells you about his early life but with the caveat that these grandparents lived, walked and worked, for at least a couple of days on the surface of the moon, is not believed, right?!.

Now if I leave I have a test tomorrow (yes, on Saturday O_o) ... pass it well and if you have time, turn the sky a few moments really going to escape your problems here on Earth.