Here is the live video from Youtube ... Greetings to my namesake! (Yes, you will be but I also am Sasha Sasha and my avatar are maas hehe nice XD)
step is the cost, thanks to Mark for the whistle.
Originally this post was going to try about my misadventures my inventory and ordering landmarks but a number of factors combined to speak for something a little deeper and serious and has the potential to affect everyone equally.
I just got the mail from my avatar a "statement" of Banamex saying that my account additional protection needed to click a link to validate the authenticity of my identity or else could not do transactions in your system Bancanet. E is excellently written and seeing everywhere easily pass as an official communication from the bank including the address where he was sent except one small detail: as far as I Banamex managed accounts in Linden Dollars and save my account in SL account has no money of any kind, much less am a client of Banamex (remember my e-mail is my avatar). That my love is what is called social engineering and basically refers to the weakest component of the security of an information system is the human user himself. What does this mean? Basically that movies have misled us by making us believe that hackers are antisocial geeks a lot of comics fans are extremely intelligent 8 monitors and then they're typing as insane things incomprehensible to most fatal to enter computers Pentagon, FBI and in general to any computer they want. While certainly there must be that kind of hackers who know them all, all in mathematics and programming languages \u200b\u200bis that reality is always easier breaking into a system by attacking the weakest link, or its user and without having much knowledge of technology but rather with social engineering is nothing that tricked people to consciously submit information (or the key to it) to someone who should not. Quickly I remembered having seen the subject in my class e-commerce and e-business and giving a quick glance at my articles in these subjects found that one of the more hackers world famous, a certain Kevin Mitnick says that social engineering is based on four fundamental principles are:
* We all want to help.
* The first movement is always trusted the other.
* We do not like to say No.
* We all like to be praised.
By talking with friends and friends avatars in Second Life, apart from my own experience in this digital universe that continues to be an information system, I realized that there is a high potential risk that our security is breached widely varying ways and not necessarily through the use of very complicated scripts like copybot I've mentioned here, but quite simply using the power of persuasion
Here I present a series of hypothetical scenarios and real both of which I had learned from other avatars in SL who some of these things have happened or have knowledge that someone would eventually use them against other avatars to cheat them somehow. All these scenarios are, according to some experts in systems that I have consulted and who have avatars in SL, the potential to become a reality at some point by someone smart enough and by their nature are technically feasible based on current characteristics Second Life system. Serve this post as a warning to keep his eyes open and not blindly trust everyone to the first and foremost, to maintain some reservations about our real information by the very nature of the system as well say that "information is power "let's not give anyone the privilege of having some kind of power over us.
One day, one avatar (known for a long time or a perfect stranger, no matter) sends you an item as a gift. Clothing usually have clearly identifiable icons in your inventory as such, unless it is the classic legend "I am a (a) ... (add here the insult that strikes your fancy)" anyone can add are harmless, the problem is with another class of objects that are not always what they seem. Some jokes may be simple but others may have the potential to become highly humiliating and make you a bad time. Is from the classic balloon someone gives to another avatar and that dress you high into the air without stopping, the classic "flower" is actually an animation of flatulence and generally anything that tell us the name that is one thing and reality is somewhat different. Heard around the case of an insanely jealous avatar that sent him to another which he said was his great friend, a subject who claimed to be a jewel, the other to receive it thinking it was a gift of good faith of his "friend" puts it in reality was an animation that made it very unpleasant positions dance and shout to the 4 winds and nonstop "I'm a bitch."
The lesson: never accept foreign objects and familiar people, more trust Have you ever tries to dress your avatar directly to the first, try to first pull them from your inventory into the world to see if reality is what you said it.
a couple of months ago the world of Second Life was shaken by the news that one of the "banks" metaverse largest of the "Ginko Bank" had gone bankrupt, leaving hundreds of avatars without large amounts of lindens they had saved (remember that the linden is convertible to real-world currency) as it had chosen to withdraw their savings institutions actual monetary savings on this "new" way in the virtual universe that promised to pay interest above market rates. By breaking Ginko ran out of their lucrative interests and worse, without your original capital in exchange for getting a "bonus" cash in a few months for amounts not paid ... it goes without saying that the creator of this financial institution, who their clients knew little or nothing of him in the real world faded away as easily as the simple act of giving "log off" to your SL account and removing all those Linden dollars as hard cash. What if Linden Labs can track money movements from that account?, yes, but we must also note that launder money in second life is much easier than in the real world. Just simply create a few clones avatars (and in previous posts I mentioned how easy enough to do that because only one email account) having a shop of some sort, instead of making a transfer of an avatar avatar simply spend money all those lindens that the fraudulent account (or can and in fact to make it better should be more than one place) clone your avatar shop which to be investigated when you can simply claim not to know the type in question and that he has no control over the goods it sells which is a valid argument and presto, instant fraud. The case of a savings account, bank or whatever you call it can be easily repeated as one of the major drawbacks of SL is that a serious and responsible for the real world that wants a presence in the metaverse is identical to a shell company created abusadillo avatar by renting a site and construct a building that looks created by a professional (eg a sim created by real and serious companies like Zenith or Internet Design Architects in no way different from a sim created by a "John Doe" any .) "In real life you would trust a large sum of money to an unknown type with appearance rather than sitting on the dubious bench in a public park just for the fact that promises cuidártelo and pay you interest? ... So why Second Life should be different to that?.
I have often talked about what I'm skeptical about romantic relationships in Second Life that go beyond the screen and I recently received evidence that makes me doubt further and show that my position from the beginning was
One day you think of a great idea that can revolutionize business in Second Life can be a script, a piece of clothing, a gadget, a building or even a comprehensive concept business, what is the first thing you doing, you tell your best friend in SL who blindly trust in the real world. I do not know is that in fact these "friends" see the potential of your idea and unknowingly have one or more avatars clones which implement it and steal it without "physically" with a rather complicated script plagiandote ssino a concept (or if they are very brazen, they will themselves openly and even fighting with you for any excuse). The problem is that intellectual property in itself is a rather ambiguous concept in the real world, second life we \u200b\u200bare in a land without law in this sense he never could win a lawsuit for plagiarism of something in this universe (to start , "demanding to whom?). For finish grinding, according to the terms of service of Second Life (those endless paragraphs of text incomprehensible that forced us to select the option "I accept" to continue using SL recently) said inter alia that everything in your account and in your inventory after all is owned by Linden Labs, That includes any object, pledge, script or texture you've created. Serve this as a simple warning to anyone with eyes to read, that everyone draw their own conclusions on this scenario.
There are more scenarios where we can be victims of social engineering, just presented these because they are the most common or that I have evidence strong enough to say they are or could be real, so I suggest that you precautions and measures you enjoy your second life but with the caution of today's world where we take three locks on the door of our home and we got off the car without putting the wheel lock, alarm and closing out the insurance, because in addition to an unintended effect of this blog is that he had thought no one of these things will surely come to mind performed by ...
Have a nice day!