Sunday, April 2, 2006

Samantha Lewis & Joon

In March, I happened to introduce me to a photo contest. Good experience and good opportunity to learn more about this. The competition was summoned the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Teror, with the theme "Black & White Teror.

had to submit a maximum of 5 photos by author, and had € 500 prize for the best series and 300 € for the best picture by the jury. There were a total of 27 participants, and had very good jobs. I had no prize, but I was delighted that everything fits with my photos that had exhibited there.

course congratulate the winners, and all the participants. Very good jobs, and a special mention on my part to the Barber of Teror photo that was the most impressed me, especially original and out of the general tone of the photos submitted.

course, thank Santi gave the gigs that choosing and preparing my photos in Photoshop. An artist. I threw a total of 300 photos on three different days to choose only 5, so that he could have filed another 5 either. These were my selections.