Monday, May 23, 2011

Monster Distruibtion Center

Sunday at the Granada Alpujarra.

Sunday, after voting went to the Alpujarras. I love it!
Pampaneira ... "mandatory" break to stretch your legs and drink water.
Paco and me (on the right, lol) with that "pretty" nice ..
craft shops
Lunch was at "Meson Joaquin", as he always got on Trevélez . There are delicious hams there.
Alpujarreño We dish.
alpujarreñas Migas, to me.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ipod Spiel Know How Level 28

1 º Avance - Alma Lynne HAED

Tod @ s know I'm well ... I like to start 2 or 3 squares at a time, to avoid boredom. hahaha. One afternoon, looking at my graphics on my PC, Matilda gave me some sympathy and wondered: Why not? The truth is that attracts me to embroider things not see on the Internet. There are some things that I do not like at all at this table, and will change and I will be showing progress.
original photo